My husband is currently in Florida visiting his mother , who lives alone and has secluded herself in her condo to the point of craziness. She does not open any windows , blinds or doors for fear of someone looking in on a third floor condo! She hears drilling and noises all night and thinks they have put speakers in all her walls to hear what she's doing ,...? She will no longer use the bedrooms to sleep in and sleeps on the couch.(the drilling isn't quite as loud) Watches tv all day on mute so the neighbors won't hear. She has lost a lot of weight and doesn't seek medical advice or help for anything. She can barely breathe and takes small short breathes. Just walking around the condo is too much.
Now , my brother in law lives in same area and has had no success and now my husband is attempting to get her to go to a doctor. The appointment is tomorrow and she is threatening to kick him out and calling all relatives.
What is the best way of handling a situation like this. We have been through 4 trying years with my dad having Alzheimer's and know none of this is easy. But any suggestions would be appreciated.
5 Answers
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Husband needs to say any & everything necessary to get that woman to a geriatric specialist. I would not waste my time with a GP at this point. She needs a cognitive evaluation pronto. She may have an infection playing a role in this scenario as well. Infections can mimic dementia big time.
Google for geriatric doctor home visit and see if anything comes up in her area. It is best if the doc can see the patient in her native habitat, so to speak, to witness first hand the state of things, smells, disorder, all that stuff they miss in an office visit.
If you can't get a doc to do a house call, bribe mother in law to go. Don't tell her it's to the doctor. Just say it's out for fresh air, pancakes, ice cream, a haircut, new socks....whatever it has to be. Then stop at the doctor's office and take her inside because the gals in the office have been wanting to meet her. Or it's required for insurance. Or whatever creative invention is going to work.
Sometimes I got really lucky and mom didn't argue about why we needed to go do something, and it was so much easier that way.