Contact the Central Midlands Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging in Columbia, SC 236 Stoneridge Drive Columbia, SC 29210 803-376-5390
Hi. Would you mind saying where you are? You don't have to tell us a specific city, but let's say, if you were in a large city, you could go to the senior citizen center. Or, maybe the YMCA. Is there public transportation? Is there a senior transport? I would call the nearest senior center and ask.
The library sometimes has activities. If you crochet or knit, look for those activities in your area.
It is great that you are looking for something to do. Could you read to a pre-school room? Could you do bible study at a church?
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Area Agency on Aging in Columbia, SC
236 Stoneridge Drive
Columbia, SC 29210
The library sometimes has activities. If you crochet or knit, look for those activities in your area.
It is great that you are looking for something to do. Could you read to a pre-school room? Could you do bible study at a church?