If you are physically able to assist moving the pt from a sit to stand position you might try a gait belt. They are inexpensive (just bought one, cost $11.00). If you haven't seen one they are belts that go around the pts waist, then you the caregiver assist the pt up using the belt rather than their arms. They are handy but you do have to have some strength and stability yourself and they work best if the pt can cooperate. Suggest you talk to CNAs or physical therapist regarding gait belts, they use them all the time.
Be careful of the electric recliners that lift a person up to a semi standing position. I had a resident in a NH that got one from his spouse. Every time he used it, he would fall forward and end up on the floor. Despite numerous injuries, the NH managers refused to have it removed even though it was a safety hazard. I ended up cutting the cord off to disable the chair.
I agree with you about the walker tipping over. The popular answer would be the lift chair that is electric and rises to a standing position. Doctors I've talked to about them say that the elderly can get used to that and then can't get up from any other piece of furniture so that should be a last resort item.
A place to look at is a website called caregiverproducts. Search sitting and standing aids. They show several canes that are secured under the furniture and also a pole that fits securely between the floor and ceiling that the person could sort of "climb". From that website, you could find others since then you'd have an idea of what is available. I know I've seen others online, but don't seem to have them in my favorites.
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A place to look at is a website called caregiverproducts. Search sitting and standing aids. They show several canes that are secured under the furniture and also a pole that fits securely between the floor and ceiling that the person could sort of "climb". From that website, you could find others since then you'd have an idea of what is available. I know I've seen others online, but don't seem to have them in my favorites.
This will give you an idea though.