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gypsygemeni Asked March 2015

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and I need financial help. Any ideas?

Both of my parents had strokes a month apart. Father is on feeding tube and can't do it himself and mother keeps falling,already had brain surgery due to one fall,can't leave them alone,I don't mind doing this but I can't afford to,is there any financial help for me here in Novascotia?

gypsygemeni Mar 2015
thanks guys appreciate your help.They won't go into a home until they are dragged out by someone.They don't like strangers coming in to look after them either.A Von woman comes to bath them and a nurse once a week to check on them

cwillie Mar 2015
Gypsygemeni, have you checked your provincial website? I've included a link but you can also google homecare in Nova Scotia. Your parents should be able to get home care, and there is a small caregiver benefit as well if you qualify. novascotia/dhw/ccs/live-well-at-home.asp


freqflyer Mar 2015
gypsygemeni, majority of grown children do not get paid for being their parents caregiver unless the parent can afford to pay you from their own pocket. If the parent can afford to do that, the parent might as well hire a certified caregiver to come in during the day so that you can go back to work. You need to have a good retirement fund for yourself.

BarbBrooklyn Mar 2015
Gypsey, I have no idea what financial help is available in Canada. What I CAN tell you is that you will burn out from this level of caregiving without alot more help, perhaps more than social services would be able to give you at home.

Have you considered a facility where your parents could be cared for, where you could visit often after work?


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