My cousin and sister have done many sneaky things to take control of my moms life. She moved in with my husband and I a year ago.
Mom has short term memory loss but understands everything. So when she is reminded of what they have done she gets mad and doesn't want to see them, but then they call or show up and she is loving with them. I don't want to keep reminding her of the bad stuff but I feel like I have to to keep her from being manipulated again. I keep waiting for them to sneak her to another lawyer or doctor and talk her into something that she doesn't fully understand because they omit the facts that would help her make the right decision.
How can we let her continue to enjoy her golden years (she is 95 and in great health) without all the stress of their deceit ?
46 Answers
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Perhaps the next generation will think differently, better about putting your wishes in writing. Until then, we can only ask...and deal with the answers or lack of...
mom wants me to be poa so no dispute there and we all went to counseling for months and all they did was their slick act and didn't let me speak. So we are done with that. I will be civil and get along for my moms sake. they were welcome at my house anytime until they got in moms face and told her they knew what she wants but they don't have to do it. now they are not. I love my mom and will protect her dignity and her right to make her own decisions till the cows come home. I realize you don't know me but I don't lie steal or cheat and they cant say the same. I would even venture to say they have no moral compass and neither one would want their children doing the same to them but they probably will since they raised them.
"Up till a couple months after she moved in with my husband and I he had always been very fair. As soon as she moved in with me because my sisters son and wife had her there for six months and they couldn't do it anymore he started getting very demanding. He wouldn't pay us for her rent and expenses and was demanding professional invoices and personal info for the 18yr old we had been paying to help around the house and yard for years. When we refused to give him info for a minor and told him that our receipts and hand written list of items we spent our own money were good enough he got REAL sh*tty."
Forgive me, but your receipts and hand written list of items were *not* good enough. If you and your husband were spending your own money on items for your mother and, perfectly reasonably, were claiming the money back, then your cousin needed formal receipts and invoices to refund you. Needed, note, not "felt like making trouble about."
Look at the context. Your sister had already made a hash of things by allowing your mother - of your mother's own free will, that is, I'm not suggesting anything worse - to spend money on your sister and her family. And while that's fine for a mother-daughter thing, it is NOT fine for a POA. Then when your mother moved in with you, without sight of proper accounts, how was your cousin to know that you weren't making the same error? To carry out his responsibility properly, he did indeed need satisfactory details of exactly what money was spent on your mother and what for.
I get how irritating and even humiliating all this can be. My sister has POA for my mother and to begin with it was such a cauldron of conflict. She wanted receipts and itemised accounts of everything, and then there were endless niggles about silly things like my "overtipping" a hairdresser, or including a café bill which she felt should have come out of general household expenses - ugh! I now get everything billed by invoices which I send direct to my sister, and I've set up a separate bank account for my mother's petty cash and send the monthly statement to her too, and so far - touch wood - that's working all right. But it's still a pain in the unmentionables. I do understand.
But sneaky? This isn't sneaky. This is your cousin, having been asked to do a job, trying to do it properly. And to manage your mother's finances conscientiously, he also needs to have full control of what's going on. He is accountable for what happens to your mother's money: how does that work if she's writing cheques to you and nobody is keeping a transparent record of what they're for?
Unfortunately, what you now have is a full-blown dispute about who your mother wishes to have power of attorney for her on both medical and welfare issues; and that dispute is spilling over into terribly sad and emotional areas such as spoiling your mother's birthday - it's a breakdown in communications. The family needs to get together and go back to the drawing board before this all gets totally out of hand. Bite the bullet and call a meeting.
So mom and I talked my cousin into taking over. He stated at that time that he agreed there were some alarming things on her bank statements and told my sister to stop letting mom pay for everything and knock off the ATM withdrawls. Thats when we found out she had her own debit card for moms account too.
Up till a couple months after she moved in with my husband and I he had always been very fair. As soon as she moved in with me because my sisters son and wife had her there for six months and they couldn't do it anymore he started getting very demanding. He wouldn't pay us for her rent and expenses and was demanding professional invoices and personal info for the 18yr old we had been paying to help around the house and yard for years. When we refused to give him info for a minor and told him that our receipts and hand written list of items we spent our own money were good enough he got REAL sh*tty. Mom asked us how she could solve this problem so I told she can pay her expenses herself. She wrote us a check but that day cousin Rich went or called her bank and transferred money out so her check would bounce. My parents NEVER bounced a check and it upset mom when we found out. She transferred it back and we got paid.
The worst and the reason I took over was wentn they ruined her 95th birthday by taking her out all day when we had agreed to we would share the day. My friends had come over with balloons, signs, presents and cake. But no mom. Then they uncharacteristically had her spend the night (on the couch no less). The next day she had an appointment with her primary doc who has seen her for many yrs and needed labs taken. I just happen to call that office (not sure why, but I think my deceased dad was looking out for her) and found out that my cousin went too and they had gone to a social security office to pick up a form for the doc to fill out (doc statement of patients capability to manage benefits) so while mom was out of the room they told the doc how she couldn't handle basically anything and he partially filled out the form checking the "no" box saying that. Then Rich went to SS and using that form became her representative payee!
So we got the same form and took it to her neurologist. He filled it out (completely) checking the yes box. We then had to go to our SS office to undo his payee status. After becoming POA of medical and financial I had to change banks to stop his access. He had called ahead and informed the bank manager that I was manipulating my mom so I was treated like a thief and had to endure this several times to change banks. Somehow Rich is so slick he can get her lawyer, doctor and bank to believe him making everything difficult. Just two weeks ago he said they were going to lunch and he took her to her lawyer and saying only " don't you want both your daughters to make medical decisions for you?" got her to add my sister back to the medical POA. I am waiting for the next trick (they lied and did many small things also including sending a sheriff over here) causing my husband and I anxiety worrying about how to protect her without having anyone declare her incapable because I would never do that to her. The primary that filled out the form saying no has since apologized and said he would call her condition "age related cognitive decline"
You know, from your report here, what these relatives are capable of. Keep your eyes and ears open when they are around. But, don't prevent them or your mother from seeing one another. For what it's worth...
Of course, she does forget and says "yes" to their requests for money, only to find out that she had forgotten that she agreed that she can't give more out. We have a little angst between the two of us when she does this, but it is what it is. She feels embarrassed having to remind them they shouldn't ask her for money, but they've been told by her lawyer that they can't ask her directly for anything, any longer - to call her lawyer and he'll bring the subject up with her. We threw in that layer to make it clear that they shouldn't try to trick her - that those days are over.
She agreed to all of this, even though she doesn't always remember. When she asks me why she doesn't have her check book, the conversation sometimes takes the turn that I end up telling her why. I try not to volunteer it unless she specifically asks. While I don't like these people, she does enjoy having contact with them. This way, she gets to have contact without worry that they'll take advantage of her.
With that said, she doesn't see these people without me present. They don't take her out, for example. So, I don't know what would happen if they took her and got her to sign a new POA. I think they could confuse her into it, and it might not really be enforceable, but I suppose it could cause some problems. If you were to get your mom a lawyer, you might ask that question.
By the way, what is really sad about this is that my mom has almost no money. The people who have preyed on her are preying on someone with so little that it's truly shameful. She hates paying the lawyer with the little money she has, but I see no other way to handle this. I can't guard every letter and phone call she makes to keep her from making this kind of mistake, and I'm not sure it would even be appropriate for me to try to do it that way, either.
How do they "manipulate" her into things?
If you were more specific about the things that they have done, it might result in better feedback from members of this site.
Be sure you have her Trust/will - POA - Health Care POA, etc.
If they are up to no good (been there done that) they will disappear soon enough when there is nothing to be gained.
If they are truly there just to see your Mom they can surely understand that a short visit will make her happy without tiring her out.
You are the one who has to deal with any negative stimulus they cause (after they leave) since she lives with you and you are providing care. That means you call the shots as to what keeps Mom happiest.
Visits are great - you don't need to explain anything to Mom (she will forget)
Let her enjoy the company -
Just keep an eye on family as you would anyone who is dealing with your impaired Mom
Please also realize that undue influence in the form of manipulation on any level is a form of exploitation of a vulnerable individual and should be reported in order to protect the vulnerable person. Granted, you don't want to cause a family rift and you don't want to tear your mother and your sister away from each other at this time in your mother's life. However, your mother is a vulnerable adult and needs to be protected, even if it's from her own daughter and niece/nephew. So, if you believe that your vulnerable mother is being manipulated, even if it's not currently having negative impacts on her (but it eventually is likely to), be proactive now and nip it in the bud before your mother is hurt by your sister and cousin. Take this action silently without advertising to your sister, mother, or cousin that you're taking any of the actions I mentioned above-- you don't want to forewarn them so they can get their ammo lined up ahead of time.
And, I agree with others who have stated that you shouldn't bad mouth your sister and cousin to your mother. It only confuses her and will force her to split her loyalties and may drive her more toward doing your sister's and cousin's bidding and falling into their manipulations.