Well he has been assessed by pace and up to the start dates they say he is perfect they said he had a space and if after he was in he got worst they could help in the home yet they are starting neither home or day care in there program my feeling isthey are not happy with just medicaid they want either income or a second coverage either way they should just spit it out and stop betting around the bush real altou well meaning I had other vns over and they agreed unless he got into pace he would no TT make it once the mind brakes the body will lose its fight
Catgoodness, your husband sounds like he needs respite care, not a simple adult day care. He has many many health issues, several all by themselves which are too difficult for adult day care. He needs to be in hospice,.whether at home, or in a dedicated hospice facility. Not day care.
The day care is not full he is exstremly depressed and was told they would do all his medical needs and not to set anything up as it would be changed under there Care he is blind he has high blood press he has sessures he can't talk other then I he can't walk or use his arm he Has DVT he is hard of hearing and he has bladder cancer and he needs one person assist 24/7 to bath be feed and toilet plus he's missing hafe his brain and scull what makes you think he will live
So according some a person is nothing but black and white paper in a file and if they put the sick person In a life and death mood so be it let them die with no medical care until all the papers are complete in there file well I say you kill my ward I will have a big court order on pace
cattgoodness, PACE Centers must meet State and Federal safety requirements, thus can only handle a certain number of people at one time. Waiting lists are not uncommon.
I can't get my medicaid husband into special day care its been 8 moths on paces waiting list for all kides of silly reasons as he gets mentally more and more stressed can they play with peoples lives
Have you considered a nursing home, for a temporary stay? I am all for you getting a break, because 1/3 of the time, the patient out lives the care taker.
You would need to check your State Medicaid office as every State has different programs, different rules and regulations. If possible, chances are it wouldn't be a Nurse but an Aide but only for a few hours.
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Care he is blind he has high blood press he has sessures he can't talk other then I he can't walk or use his arm he Has DVT he is hard of hearing and he has bladder cancer and he needs one person assist 24/7 to bath be feed and toilet plus he's missing hafe his brain and scull what makes you think he will live
As for stress, you might want to be more positive when around your husband... sounds like he is mimicking your reactions.