My Mom is in a rest home facility for dementia. There is 2 to 3 staff to look after and care for 18 dementia residents. Some are in wheel chairs, others walking with/without walkers. We currently have 2 very busy res. that constantly roam from room to room going through other residents belongings sometimes taking/leaving items and trashing rooms. I have addressed this with the rest home director. Which listens but offers no resolutions other than moving my mother out. Staff is huddled into groups, or shift is not covered adequately. There are several problems here, so I will just focus on one. How can family secure her room safely so she can come and go in her room and not be a safety hazard should a real emergency arise.(By secure I mean to keep unwanted residents out).
4 Answers
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Does Mother need a memory care facility or might she do OK in assisted living or even a nursing home?
Wherever she is, don't keep valuables in her room. If something is missing, report that to the staff so they can keep an eye out for it.
What is most disturbing is the "pushing" complaint. Your mother should not be subjected to physical assault from other residents! That is the piece of this that I would make a formal complaint about.
The issue of people wandering in and out of each others' rooms and helping themselves to items is addressed in the helpful book "Creating Moments of Joy" by Jolene Brackey. Her approach might not be suitable for you, but the book does help put things in perspective.