Our Mother (91) did well with testing with Primary doctor. I went to Ohio from Calif. in Jan. I stayed till May.I am going back in late June.Shes terribly confused and scared,paranoid. Resistant. She has no assets, and lives in house alone that was put in a trust 60 years ago to my brother and me. We saw and Elder Attorny, that said with wording Estate recovery would take place and state would get 40% at sell of property.
All assistance of housekeeping, transportation for Medical, and shopping has been stopped. I want to bring her to Calif. and stay with me and my husbands. Sell house and get a house for handicap. I need feedback. Is a Neurogal exam that crucial?
27 Answers
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A neurologist may not be necessary, but a doctor should be seeing your mom regularly. At 91, she needs care, but whether or not moving her to your state is the right move is questionable. I'd see the elder law attorney again to research alternative options for your mom's care.
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