My Mom has recently been approved for Medicaid. According to her case worker, part of her spend down for Medicaid includes the cost of home health services that are provided through the Illinois Department of Aging. We are transferring her to a skilled nursing facility that will accept her medicaid eligibility and she will no longer be receiving those services. How will this affect her spend down?
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Speak with admissions & the billing office @ the NH as to how her income and the PNA can be done. Most NH will imply that residents monthly $ be sent to the NH directly and the PNA builds at the NH trust fund each month. But whomever is the DPOA does NOT have to do it this way. I kept my mom's checking account with her income direct deposited and the NH got her SOC by check each month and mom had a PNA of about $ 100 - 150 which got additional $ as needed.
If mom has any debts, a home, a car or CC's, there will be no - none - nada of her $ anymore to pay on anything once in a NH on Medicaid.