I have been my mother caregiver for three years. She is in constant pain from severe back pain and arthritis. She takes to different prescriptions for this pain, but they no longer give her any relief. Her doctor does not want to give her anything stronger.. She has been to a pain management doctor and has tried many different medications. Nothing seems to help. The only thing that helps is her brandy. But she is asking for more and more. She makes me feel guilty when I refuse to give her a drink before lunch. I try to limit her consumption, but it is so hard to watch
Her suffer. She is 90 and wants to die. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
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As it turns out, one reason that an antidepressant may help back pain is that depression can often cause actual back pain. I learned that during another family member's illness. It seems that depression can cause all kinds of problems, including headaches, back pain, sweating, etc. So, as others here have said, assess for depression and treat it. It could help the physical pain considerably.
"You can try alternative treatment methods like yoga or chiropractics.You can try alternative treatment methods like yoga or chiropractics." Really? a 90 year old woman. wow....
My cousin fell and fractured her spine last year. She had considerable pain with it. Cymbalta made a huge difference. She has dementia, but she was able to tell her how her back hurt a lot. After the Cymbalta, she said it didn't bother her anymore. She also has arthritis in her back for which she was on disability, but the Cymbalta keeps that pain down too. It has been a great benefit to her.
I would not stop to find your mom some relief for her pain. At that age, she should not suffer. I hope they aren't afraid of dependence or something ridiculous like that. Is she seeing a geriatric doctor? My experience with orthopedic doctors is that they aren't that familiar with how to treat seniors. That's been my experience. They were not the ones who recommended Cymbalta for her back pain. They weren't that helpful.
Does she have a permanent condition that causes the back pain, or is it treatable with therapy or something other than pain pills? TENS - has it ben tried by a threrapist?
I often find with my elderly patients ... heat is the best option. Some prefer dry heat, and some prefer wet heat, this is more a matter of preference. The most important thing is that it is warm. If you haven't tried this yet. Please do.
Use a heating pad (many different kinds - electric, microwavable, hot water bottle, etc.) Make sure that there are some layers of cloth. We use 6-8 layers of towels between the heating source and the skin. Burns can occur, especially with the elderly who may have thinner skin and decreased sensation in the area.
I also suggest trying to apply this heat in a seated position, as lying on it can be uncomfortable, and the pressure on the pad can cause increased pressure that can cause a burn.
Perhaps best to use this regularly in the mornings as most people are most stiff then just when waking up.
There are other things you can do like watching her posture and gentle movements that can relieve stiff joints.
Lastly - as for the Brandy... well I guess in moderation if that helps. I think your mother is just looking for something! anything that can take the edge off the pain! Try the heat. Let us know how it goes.
I remember my Grandfather decades ago use to use whiskey to help curb his pain and Grandma thought nothing of it. I say if brandy helps your Mom, let her have a small glass AFTER lunch, I wouldn't want to give her that on an almost empty stomach.
The way I view this, if a person is 90 and wants ice cream for breakfast, go for it... same with the brandy but in moderation :)