My Mother's mobile home is disgusting! Old urine in carpets and junk everywhere. Any assistance cleaning, repairs?
Can't find a thing. We have cleaned and it goes right back. She is needing now to sell to move into an apartment or assisted living. We can't afford the repairs and were hoping to find some type of grant or assistance. Does anyone have any advice?
I just posted this on a similar thread - copy and pasting is great to save on old fingers!
1. Habitat for Humanity and Christmas in April are organizations that help people in need.
2. Contact your local city or township offices and find out if they receive HUD funds for repairs. Sometimes the funds aren't available until a few months after the fiscal year; it depends on issues at the federal level.
If I recall correctly, these are grant funds and don't need to be repaid, but they may also be emergency repairs only.
3. Contact your local county and ask if it has a home improvement program. Ours does; maybe other counties do as well.
4. Last resort and probably the least likely to happen - contact trade schools and ask if they help with homeowner's projects. It could provide a way for students (with supervision) to get experience.
5. I think after addressing the possible Medicaid issue, and if you do decide to sell, discuss with a few different realtors what the minimums are that you'll ned to do to sell the property close to "as is".
6. Once your mother is gone, the clean-up and changes you make should be permanent.
7. Your mother may not even recognize the situation that's been created; if she has dementia, the lack of cleanliness may not even register in her mind.
I would consult with an Elder attorney about Medicaid rules before I did anything with the house. There are rules and selling the house could affect her qualification for certain benefits.
I've encountered similar issues for the repairs to a house. I haven't found any that are available, unless a private organization or church does it. Be careful of getting people to give your mom money, as that could be used in calculating her income.
Sounds like your Mom needs another level of care that wouldn't be available in a regular apartment or even in assisted living. For assistance for your Mom, herself, see if she can qualify for Medicaid, that way Medicaid can help pay for a nursing home if it is deemed that she needs that higher level of care.... a normal thinking person doesn't mess on the rugs without cleaning it up.
As for getting the home ready to sell, clean it up the best you can and sell it "as is".... it won't be easy to find free funds that would make repairs.
4 Answers
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1. Habitat for Humanity and Christmas in April are organizations that help people in need.
2. Contact your local city or township offices and find out if they receive HUD funds for repairs. Sometimes the funds aren't available until a few months after the fiscal year; it depends on issues at the federal level.
If I recall correctly, these are grant funds and don't need to be repaid, but they may also be emergency repairs only.
3. Contact your local county and ask if it has a home improvement program. Ours does; maybe other counties do as well.
4. Last resort and probably the least likely to happen - contact trade schools and ask if they help with homeowner's projects. It could provide a way for students (with supervision) to get experience.
5. I think after addressing the possible Medicaid issue, and if you do decide to sell, discuss with a few different realtors what the minimums are that you'll ned to do to sell the property close to "as is".
6. Once your mother is gone, the clean-up and changes you make should be permanent.
7. Your mother may not even recognize the situation that's been created; if she has dementia, the lack of cleanliness may not even register in her mind.
I've encountered similar issues for the repairs to a house. I haven't found any that are available, unless a private organization or church does it. Be careful of getting people to give your mom money, as that could be used in calculating her income.
As for getting the home ready to sell, clean it up the best you can and sell it "as is".... it won't be easy to find free funds that would make repairs.