This site might be more explanatory about the door locks we're using: amazon/Cardinal-Gates-Door-Guardian-White/dp/B004RL1IMC/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1444223590&sr=8-8&keywords=childproof+door+locks
I wonder if you have "Life Alert?" I am concerned that you won't be able to handle it if she takes a bad fall. Life Alert is hooked up to the telephone line and if she falls, 911 is immediately contacted. These type devices have been vastly improved recently. I am telling you what my mom had 5 years ago.
Please do not lock the door and hide the key. That is incredibly dangerous in case of fire or other emergency. A person with dementia may not even realize the door is locked to try to find another exit. The door alarms and baby monitor are better solutions along with an I'd bracelet, waterproof labels on her shoes if she usually puts them on, and notifying neighbors and to look out for her.
Ferris, this is what my cousin did but had to change them back once his Dad passed. They r a fire hazzard. So she may want to check with her Fire Marshall to see if this can be done.
I put a child-safe plastic thing on the door knob along with the doorbell. You could put the wireless Chime part next to your bed and turn up the volume. Oh and that thing rojo suggested too !
Oops, here's the link: toysrus/product/index.jsp?productId=19040146&camp=PLAPPCG-_-PID15103991:BRUS&cagpspn=plab_15103991&eESource=CAPLA_DF:19040146:TRUS
We have these on all the exterior doors now. So far my Mom (75 with dementia) and our friends in their late 20's and early 30's can't figure them out. The kids (6 and 8) have figured them out but they can't reach them :-) Do an internet search, you can get them a bit cheaper. Regardless, they are easy to install and work great.
I would try to find out how far and frequently she has wandered before you discovered this behavior. Wanderers are often very clever and wander more extensively and frequently than you might know. I found this out from neighbors and her favorite restaurant after she was picked up by the District of Columbia police because she did not know where she was, lacked any ID, could not tell the police where her home was or what her son's name was. Neighbors knew she was out evenings and later at night, but never told her caregivers or her children. Also make sure that other exits are locked securely and any windows low to the ground.
It will alarm, but if you are exhausted or sleeping soundly I would not solely depend upon it. There is a lever style lock that you can mount to the top of the door facing. It is available at Lowes for about $20. It would probably be a much better alternative. You can also place a baby monitor at the door & the receiver on your nightstand.
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Is the link you reference the type locks you are referring to? Are they easy to install? Looked at the link but cannot see how they work.
Also make sure that other exits are locked securely and any windows low to the ground.