Becoming so frustrated with the disease and having a hard time separating it from the person. For the past month my mom is having a hard time understanding days and nights. She keeps the blinds closed and TV off so she falls asleep easily in the afternoon. Periodically get ready for bed after lunch. She goes to bed earlier and earlier at night, but still seems tired all the time. I can't make sense of it and don't have any ideas to help her keep it straght.
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Otherwise, you can get daylight bulbs. If you put those around the house and use them when things are dark during the day you may have some luck with your mom. This isn't a magic cure for the sleep/awake problems of AD, but it does help some.
Take care,
One thing that is important to know is that depression is very common in folks with dementia. Has she seen her doctor for depression? If not, take her to her primary care doctor as soon as possible. A SSRI medication (i.e. Celexa, Zoloft or Lexapro) are good medications to use.
I hope this helps!! Good luck!
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