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Barbara21 Asked October 2015

We are sensing that my MIL closes her eyes and pretends to be sleeping when we visit to avoid contact. How are we best to respond?

This is a recent change in her behaviour and seems to be becoming more frequent. Staff in the care home tell us she is refusing to get out of bed, resists their attempts to help her with food, drink or personal care, and is becoming increasingly aggressive. Is this normal in dementia? Can anyone help us with advice as this is so out of character for the person we know and love - and we really don't know how best to respond at such times. Do we just leave her to spparently sleep on, attempt intervention - and if so, how?

pfontes16 Oct 2015
I agree with pam - but would like to add that you say nice things about much you love you are sorry she's not feeling up to pretty her hair is....(that kind of thing)....while she's "sleeping." Then head over to talk to the nurse.

pamstegma Oct 2015
It's either the dementia is advancing, or she's on too much meds. Kiss her cheek and then go see the HEAD nurse for a chat.


freqflyer Oct 2015
Arm yourself with as much information as you can about Alzheimer's/Dementia, that way when something out of character happens, you will know it is the advancement of dementia.

This Aging Care website has a lot of really informative articles about memory care. and scroll down to the articles. Hope this helps.

Just might thought, it could be that your Mum-in-law thinks by closing her eyes that you won't see her.


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