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wausenia Asked January 2016

My Mom will not get up and go by her self, she can still walk with help. Any advice?

Mom not getting up. My mom has Dementia, she is in the moderate stage. Mom use to get up on her own to use bathroom sometime I will catch her squatting down on her trash can being confused, now she will not get out of bed or her chair. I have to make her get up and go she always say she just went. My question is why she is not getting up on her own anymore she can still walk with the help of her walker and without not as well as she use to but she is still walking, she has never fell because I'm always with her helping". How can I get her back getting up on her own? or is this another stage.

geewiz Jan 2016
Wausenia, ask the doctor to prescribe physical thereapy (PT). The therapists are often able to get our loved ones up and moving even though we often tried the same things. Watch the sessions and continue them on days the PT isn't coming. Dementia patients often fare better with a routine. Pick something she likes and tell her she can do that as soon as she moves/walks or whatever. It takes a little time but toileting when she wakes up in the morning; before lunch, mid afternoon, etc will eventually become a habit --- as long as you keep repeating the same series of steps. Good luck.

pamstegma Jan 2016
This is indeed another stage and the next stage she won't be able to get up at all, but need two people and a Hoyer Lift to be moved. Please discuss this with her MD and see about getting aides to help at home.


freqflyer Jan 2016
It's all part of dementia, you never know what will happen next. I found some good articles on Aging Care website regarding Alzheimer's/Dementia. Click on the link below and scroll down to the articles.


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