My premium went up almost double and I cannot afford it on SS. Any advice?
I am on Medicare and just learned that the open enrollment ended. They say I am stuck with the plan but I only get $700.00+ per month. Any suggestions?
My husband is in the same boat, and with serious illness this year it has become horrible. He was in the hospital for over a week during the deadline and we were coping with other issues - there was no time to stop and say "gee lets look around for additional insurance". So he stuck with what he had and now everything has doubled ! We cannot afford some of the drugs he needed already - we certainly can't afford this. Any suggestions for a GOOD secondary and how to get on one NOW after the deadline. He was constantly in a doughnut hole last year alone.
Your premium for what insurance? $700 a month social security sounds mighty low when the premium for PART B is $104.90.
Do you have income other than social security? If so, your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago is above a certain amount, you may pay more.
It could be such a thing as your income ad assets would qualify you for "extra help." This would be help to pay for the monthly premiums, annual deductible and co-payments. If your combined savings, investments, and real estate are not worth $27,250 if married or $13,640 if single, you would qualify. The application can be done online. If you need help, contact your senior center or senior services at the county health dept. They can put you in touch with a SHIP counselor. SHIP is Senior Health Insurance Program.
Go see the SHIP volunteer (see Note) at your nearest senior center or like facility. No one online can answer this question without knowing what kind of plan you are talking about, what you get $700 for/from, and the answers to many other questions
(NOTE: SHIP goes by various other names such as SHINE, HICAP, and so forth depending on state.)
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Do you have income other than social security? If so, your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago is above a certain amount, you may pay more.
SHIP is a long term care insurance company.
Go see the SHIP volunteer (see Note) at your nearest senior center or like facility. No one online can answer this question without knowing what kind of plan you are talking about, what you get $700 for/from, and the answers to many other questions
(NOTE: SHIP goes by various other names such as SHINE, HICAP, and so forth depending on state.)