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Jackjackjack Asked January 2016

Fainting with dementia. Any advice?

My mom fainted Wednesday and Saturday. Both times she was admitted for one night. They did MRI, MRA, EEG, checked her carotid arteries in her neck and EKG and wore a heart monitor. ALL tests showed no issues. They did find her sodium was 130 with 135 being normal and said she was dehydrated. Today, Monday, she didn't like the caregiver and was upset and had a headache I gave her daily morning meds and sent the caregiver home. I asked her to lay down. My dad has slight dementia. At 12:30 we decided to wake her she would not wake up. Went to ER. Cap scan, blood work and urinalysis. Nothing.. ER dr told me this was dementia causing this. Next time I should just keep her at home. I'm wondering if there is any test that would show anything else. Or should I just take the ER dr's advice.

Jackjackjack Jan 2016
In the past two days my mom has not been able to wake up for a lengthy time. Yesterday it took 3 hours to wake her. I did speak with her Dr. I took her bp. And it and her heart rate was normal. I first tickled the hairs in her nose. The first time she swatted. Then after that she did not flench. Before this happened, my mom walked around sort of like a zombie. Then started to go down. I am at my wits end. There has to be something to prevent this. There just has to be. Please any ideas.

Eyerishlass Jan 2016
I agree with pam in that you need to have a BP cuff and a pulse oximeter on hand (the kind of BP cuff that clamps down on the wrist). The next time your mom has an episode don't panic and take her BP and pulse ox.

If a whole team of ER Dr.'s can't figure out what's wrong with your mom, if anything, I doubt that anyone here can come up with something new (not that we're not all great) but I'm wondering if her BP is bottoming out but that would have been one of the first things the hospital would have checked. They would have checked her sitting BP and then had your mom stand and checked it again. It's a pretty standard test.

I'm also pretty sure the Dr's went over your mom's medications as well.

Having said all of this I don't think fainting in normal in anyone for any reason. Have you taken your mom to see her primary care Dr.?


pamstegma Jan 2016
If I were you I would have a BP cuff and a fingertip pulse oximeter. Keep a log of what readings you get. Learn to observe pupil size and symmetry. Learn how to check for dehydration by pinching up the skin on the back of the hand. Have a long chat with the primary MD about what to expect.


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