If you are on an MCO, are disposable incontinence products covered?
Does it vary state to state? Does it impose a limited number of products/month? Does it specify what brand OR does it simply offer a set reimbursement for the seller?
In New York they supply briefs and pads for the bed. Trouble is they determine what they send, and the briefs they send fall apart when wet! Same goes for the underpads. Might as well save their money and send nothing. These MCO's do not appear to be of much benefit to the aged and infirm. Good luck!
Ohio Medicaid Durable Medical Equipment benefit coverage of incontinence garments (disposable diapers, liners and underwear/pull-ups and diaper service including T4521-T4535 and T4538) for adults changed from 300 per month to 200 a month. Your MCO can tell you what brands they provide.
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