Please help! I feel we're in the Twilight Zone! My mom has or had Durable POA over Grandma & Aunt still does for aunt who is also 72yo & mentally handicapped. 3 weeks ago gma revoked Moms POA of 15years though she has dementia atty states she had a lucid moment! Dec 2015 my aunt passed out mom thought she had a stroke ambulance came & took her in. Mom was pulled aside & questioned for hours due to bruising from neck down on my aunt. My aunt has always dressed, bathed, fed herself she is very naive & trusting has always lived at home & long ago Dr said she was slow & told grandparents she would be a burden to give her up to state but they refused! After investigating or questioning my mom & aunt they released her to see my aunt & said she named her other sister as the abuser! Adult Protection services was given the case & its pending. When my aunt passed out she fractured tailbone & was sent to nursing home for rehab. My mom was told to file protective order against other sister but it was denied due to only having poa not guardianship. Nursing home honored this 1 time when aunt showed to visit after that they said legally they cant keep doing this without protective order. So my aunt finds out she is allowed to visit & does bringing gifts, money, treats etc. Knowing my handicapped aunt is vwry forgiving, loves gifts, going shopping & wants out of rehab/nursing home. She tells us Abusive Aunt is nice now, brought gifts, money & promises to get her out! Totally manipulating her & nothing can be done because charges have not been filed! We are sick! APS states there hands are tied & can't release any reports or info. So we wait! After thinking about things we realized when mom had to take gma to appt or go to store she'd ask Abuser to come sit at house & this had been going on for awhile according to Dr bruises were old & new. We now think this has happened for many years & aunt never mentioned due to fear & getting gifts & such at times. Again shes very naive & easily manipulated! Again no charges have been filed & they wont give a restraining order yo protect her from this person. She was so scared she would show up & staff had to give her sedative at times due to being so anxious. When abuser showed up with gifts. & being nice she forgave her basically! She shouldn't have been put in that position now or ever! Not only has abuser showed up shes contested guardianship petition! As if things cldnt get worse! She's visited gma & took her out of assisted living that my mom per gma atty placed her in so medicaid wldnt take house & find her negligent with her money! This same atty claimed to be doing mom a favor free by filing guardianship petition over my aunt but failed to ask if mom had durable poa & she does so we withdrew guardianship petition. So abuser may get atty & file her own guardianship. This is madness! I dont understand how this can happen! How can we protect my Aunt & now my grandma who is living with this person? I can hardly sleep, work, live! I was & always have been very very close to my gma & aunt. My mom was listed alone on everything with my gma because of their relationship & knowing she couldn't count on other children. She is not in right mind has been coerced & not only do we know from her telling us but also in will stating no other family members that she doesn't never wanted to be where she is now also the abuse my aunt has endured we dont know if this has or is happening to my grandma! APS is under staffed & from what ive read won't move fast or do much. We are desperate for help! I tried to give as much info as I could but theres even more to tell. Please any help is appreciated! Thank you!
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