My husband was diagnosed with Frontal Temporal Dementia 2 1/2 years ago. Along with the cognitive decline has recently accused me of "punching" him in the face, taking swings at him and even so far as me pushing him out of our car as I was driving! He is 71 and I am soon to be 62. He goes to a memory daycare 1 to 2 days a week. any other spouses dealing with this? What advice can you give me?
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To phizphiz, maybe that's part of what your husband has going on. He wants something, from you or other people, and thinks these accusations will get that for him. There could also be confabulation going on. He may believe these things if they fit whatever scenario is playing in his head. You can't change his mind about any of it. (Dad thinks he and I are lovers, or were lovers and should be again. It's beyond weird.) This behavior is hurtful and difficult, but I can guarantee people who have dealt with this kind of dementia have heard it all before. This is a good support group if you need to vent sometimes. Don't be afraid to confide in a good friend as a means to get back on track. *hugs*
I remember when my Mom had dementia and she was living in long-term-care, she told me how my Dad would hit and punch her. I knew that never happened as my Dad has always been a kind gentle soul who never ever raised his voice. It did rattle me hearing my Mom say such things, but that is how dementia works at times. Eventually Mom stopped saying these things. And I never told Dad what she said, as he was sad enough that she was in long-term-care.