My mom has been deemed by Adult Protective Services that she can no longer live alone due to her declining physical health. She does not want to be placed in a nursing home, and in home health care is an option that has been discussed by APS. My moms monthly social security check is $1,543.10. She has no other source of income. She is 82 years old. Since January 2016, she is unable to drive. So her bank balance has risen to $2988.14. She has $500 in a savings account. So she is approximately $1,488 OVER the $2000 allowed cash to be eligible for Medicaid. My older sister paid for her funeral/burial plan using a payment plan at the funeral home in my mom's town of residence. Sister has receipt for plan's payment in full. The amount is considerable more than the overage of $1488. Is it legal for my mom to write my sister a check for $1488 to help reimburse her for the burial plan my sister paid for? Would this be acceptable on 5 year lookback for Medicaid application?
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