So sad..but neither medicaid or medicare covers C.B.D. Oils..tincures. Because it comes from the marijuana plant ( hemp) but does not get you high. Ive tried to get it covered..but they say nope. Sometimes a church will help with getting c.b.d. for mom to not have to hurt. I UNDERSTAND YOU..💯%🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌿🌺🌺🌺🌺
The CBD oil I get from my cousin is from Green Horizen. It’s third party lab tested to show its purity. Cousin tried it on herself before giving to her mom who has Parkinson’s and is on hospice. Her mom is now talking. Can tell time. Has lost the shuffle walk. Is animated. Laughs. Responds appropriately when spoken to. Still in pull ups but goes to the bathroom. She’s only on one prescription drug now. Her neurologist has followed her over the nine months she has been on the CBD oil. My cousin reports her mom is better everyday. It helps me with anxiety, sleep, back pain. I paid $60 for my first bottle that lasted me over four months. I was taking Advil on a regular basis. Seldom need it now. Do make sure you buy from a trusted source. It’s not something you have to wait a long time to see if it helps. You’ll know pretty soon. Once it’s in your system you only need a drop a couple of times a day to continue the benefits.
I been working with the elderly community inside the nursing homes around Mesa Arizona and I've heard of a few States covering CBD but only through hearsay and my goal is to actually get those things covered so there's anything I can do to help let me know, I work in a dispensary in town here and know quite a bit more than the above average employees of the industry and just want to help!!! I have a amazing presentation I'm currently working on for future facilities if you would like a copy just let me know or email me, new to this site but will be using often! I am fighting Ankylosing spondylitis myself and 2 years wheelchair free and was a healthcare employee for 12 years prior. Let me know if I can send that to see if the knowledge may help?!?!
As of December, when Trump signed the Farm Bill, all CBD products are legal as long as the plant it's derived from has less than 0.3% THC. SueC1957 mentioned some good ones, but there is a new one taking the country by storm, already accounting for 10% of the industry. The company is called Prime My Body and they currently have the best CBD oil hands down on the market. They're also about to release their newest formula which also has CBG, which is where CBD and THC and many other compounds are derived from, so a much more potent product. Their current one is good, hitting your brain in 2 minutes and the rest of your body in 10-15 minutes, but the new one is supposed to be able to hit the blood in a matter of seconds due to the much smaller cells, allowing the body to absorb it faster.
As for if insurance companies cover CBD products, I'm still waiting to hear back from my insurance on that.
The CBG is the future my friend for it is the cannabinoid that they are calling the regenerator cannabinoid or the stem cell of the cannabis plant!!! I have it in isolate now and man does it work out the anxiety and tension!!!
IMO one of the problems with both CBD oils and medical marijuana is that there are so many different strains with different effects and uses for each and it is left up to the patient to do the research to figure out what to try. Yes, there are merchants who make recommendations, but all you have to do is trawl the web to find outrageous claims and testimonials.
I Googled "the 20 best CBD oils for 2018-Rave reviews" #1 Four Corners Canabis. It is the only CBD oil that's extracted by ethanol and doesn't break up the bonds. It's a complete spectrum oil. #2 Charlotte's Web #3 CBD distillery #4 Kay's Naturals (rated best in CBD isolate to meter it out to the exact mg.)
I did a large amount of reading (too much info to put here). I suggest you go there to learn a lot about CBD.
As far as I know, CBD oil is not covered by any insurance. My epileptic patient tried it for a year, unfortunately without lessening his seizures. His was not covered by government nor private insurance.
However there are many epileptic kids who have benefited from it by decreasing their seizures or practically eliminating them.
The price differs depending on how much CBD is in the dose (from 1 mg. to 150 mg. per dose).
It is not cheap, over $100. for a small bottle but you start with a few drops.
I plan on ordering some because I'm tired of taking Ibuprofen every day which doesn't work for arthritic neck pain and interacts with another medicine I take. Tramadol somewhat works but gets me a bit dopey. Of course I would not order any that had the THC in it, as that would not go along with being a nurse. It's worth a try.
Sometimes the only way for CBD to work is to have a binding agent of THC with a 1:18 or 1:20 ratio; at these levels it is not psychotropic. Also, if a patient is not deficient in CBD-1 or CBD-2 receptors they may have no medically noticeable effects other than Omega boosters.
I just started using hemp CBD oil for myself because I have fibromyalgia anxiety, all over arthritis especially in my spine and depression. The hemp plant CBD oil is legal in all 50 states because it has a very tiny amount of THC in it which is the part that makes you high. Marijuana CBD oil is not legal because it has a higher level of THC in it. I just started taking it about 2 weeks ago for myself. I'm 55 and have a lot of arthritis and fibromyalgia as well as anxiety and depression. Within a couple of hours It stopped my fibromyalgia and has really helped my arthritis. I get up in the morning now without any pain at all. It's working on my anxiety it hasn't completely gotten rid of that yet and it's helping me with my depression. I have a much clearer head which is huge when you're on pain medication. I have not felt this good and like my old self in a long time.and have been very active since I started taking it. I have been on Percocet for years for my arthritis and for migraines. I have not had a migraine since I started taking the oil. You really need to find out what your dosage is I am still working on that. I don't know about getting it at Walmart or anything like that, I assume it's hemp CBD oil. But you have to really look at what's in the actual medication. If it's hemp oil it has a lot of ingredients but it does not have CBD in it which is what actually benefits you. It will have fish oil and things like that in it. You really have to confirm that there is CBD oil in it and how much. You can decide whether you want to use that once you determine what CBD oil level you need. I am now at 15 mg, and my pain is very low. I have almost completely stopped taking my Percocet. I've been buying it online. But I'm going to ask my doctor if I can get the medical marijuana card. I know all of this can be confusing, and it sounds like a miracle drug for me. I am a true patient and this has really changed my life. I'm not telling anyone to go out and buy it, I'm just telling you what it is done for me.
If you need any assistance in medicating with the cannabis plant both hemp CBD as well as cannabis THC and full cannabinoid products I am here to help!!! I am a cannabis activist in here in Arizona and very knowledgeable dispensary agent with ankylosing spondylitis myself and 2 years not using canes or wheelchair all due to cannabis oils like RSO. I'm in Mesa az if that helps lol
CBD oil from the hemp plant which is used for pain management epilepsy fibromyalgia anxiety etcetera is legal in all 50 states. It's because the hemp plant CBD oil has a very very tiny amount of THC which is the part that makes you high that's illegal. The marijuana CBD oil is illegal
As of today's date Recreational marijuana is legal in nine states and medical marijuana is legal in 30 states. So as long as you have a prescription from an approved doctor in any of the 30 states it is not illegal.
I thought I put on here that I sell cbd oil from the only pharmaceutical grade oil on the market - Green Roads World. I've been using it for pain, depression, and fibromyalgia for 6 months now and it's doing wonders for me. I've been giving it to my Grandmother with mid-stage dementia and it's been helping with us getting along in her sundowning times in the evening, which is MARVELOUS!! So there are lots of uses. I have one client with eczema who says it's been helping her, and another with sicle cell and it's been helping her.
God gave us all that we need. Why is the Government making it illegal to follow His plan for us??!! Ezekiel 47:12 And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”
I am using CBD oil from Ananda Apothecary. I’ve purchased products from them for years. They are highly reputable and I’ve had great help from their oil. They are online and based in Boulder CO.
I don’t think it’s covered by Medicare/Medicaid yet although I believe we are heading towards that, but not too soon.
In my opinion we waste tons of money trying to eradicate the selling of marijuana/cannabis for whatever purpose; medicinal or pleasure.
Billions of $ for the “War on Drugs”! I can see trying to arrest dealers for dealing cocaine & heroin but marijuana? Harmless. Less risk than alcohol. Save that money and spend it elsewhere in the US budget.
And Digital Banker, you can’t believe everything you see on the internet especially YouTube. I’ve never heard cannabis has healed anyone’s cancer. That’s just not true.
Otherwise, maybe move to states where it’s legal for use. (Colorado, Oregon). In Maryland they have decriminalized it. Good luck!
@pamstegma - you need to do some research on the oils found on Amazon if you're thinking of using it or recommending it others. All that they have there is HEMP oil which is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from CBD OIL. I thank you for trying to help, but they are not the same thing and do not do the same things. Check out this article
You can get cannabidiol at Walmart or online at Amazon, not expensive because you don't use much. If you have a prescription, then you need Part D to cover prescription items. It's not a cure all, be sure your patient has a condition that would benefit from cannabidiol.
@Dontask4handouts - Do you know where to get high quality CBD oil? I just got through with breast cancer and they had me on arimidex and the side effects were more than I could stand. So I decided to go the CBD oil route, and just found some online. But thing is since it's not really regulated, idk if I'm getting a high-quality product or if its crap? Wonder how I would know?
arianne777, you're looking in the wrong places and you're better off researching better sources because many lives have been saved, there are survivors out there to prove it. Yes, cannabis has cured cancer for many people and it has been used for longer than we've been alive. cannabis is a medicine plant that has saved many lives believe it or not, get your info from better sources please! Stop believing what you previously read about cannabis not curing cancer because that's a lie. The public is being deterred from natural cures because there's no money in cures, it would hurt big Pharma and that's why people are being referred from ever finding cures. This is why people are discouraged from using natural alternatives, and cannabis is a natural alternative that really does care cancer.
Search YouTube instead of some bogus article that bad talks stuff like this because it's just a bunch of hooey. YouTube is full of cancer survivors, including people who were very close to death in stage four cancer
YouTube search box
Type "cannabis cured my cancer"
You'll find endless cancer survivors who were saved by cannabis, so get your information from the right sources such as survivors whose lives have been saved, including babies.
You'll also find severe epileptics having multiple severe seizures daily.
Listen to each story out there and take that to heart instead of some bogus article out there that says cannabis "cannot cure people", because it's not true.
* I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to get you to wise up before even more survivor stories leave you red faced later, and it could turn out to be one of your own or maybe even you. No one knows what tomorrow holds, and we never know when we ourselves may find ourselves in a dilemma like those of the cancer survivors who were saved by cannabis
From what I've read, it has not been established that any form of cannabis cures cancer. I believe that states that have approved its sale do so for those who want it for relief of pain from cancer and other diseases.
I seriously doubt it at least at this point. Cannabis is newly allowed in the US and I'm not sure any insurance company will cover it. Be prepared for expensive out-of-pocket cost, any kind of pot is expensive. I have known of one person who used it and he knows. He also happens to know hemp and cannabis are the same plant and he also further explained they make rope with the stem part. Without the stand, there'd be no rope. What he had to say was actually very surprising and it makes me wonder why it was a loud for making rope but never allowed for human consumption until recently. I wonder how many lives cannabis could've otherwise been saved had our government and law makers not been so greedy, uncaring, self-centered and narrow minded. Oh, they want to make cannabis, a life-saving medicine plant illegal (until they themselves or one of their own is on their deathbed and needs it)! See how that works? The depopulation agenda! Perhaps Michael Jackson was right when he made a song stating "they don't really care about us!" I don't know exactly how many other natural treatments have been claimed to cure cancer for starters, but cannabis was definitely among them. I started hearing about cannabis saving lives and on more than one occasion parents even slipped it to their very sick bedridden children, saving those young innocent lives who would've otherwise been in the grave. So many people are now being saved by it but hospitals are having to reluctantly try it on certain patients and they're finding it actually works. I can tell you something right now that big Pharma wants to get a hold of all the rights to cannabis like they have so many other things. They have gotten a hold of something because they now have a synthetic version of a cannabis capsule. They just can't grab everything because this one belongs to the people. I don't think God ever meant for someone to grab everything away from the people, sorry big Pharma, this one belongs to the people! I once heard there's no money in cure as there is in keeping us sick and on meds. I think I'd rather go for the natural alternatives as much as absolutely possible. In fact when I've showed up at my local hospital on very rare occasions, I think they were proud of me, I'm sure they've face their share of people abusing medicines. I don't know if they see very many people who would much rather go for natural alternatives first before looking for a pill but getting your cure through natural alternatives as my first choice and cannabis oil can be added to your food right before serving. You don't want to heat it, you'll ruin the properties. Serve it straight but add it to your food right before serving it to the patient. You don't want to give a ridiculous amount but you don't want to give too little either. You want the right amount that will help the patient, but you don't want to give them too much. Cannabis has cured a wide variety of ailments that would've otherwise killed people. I think now that it's allowed, I think it should be sold as a spice or infused into some snacks but sold at a reasonable and affordable price. There really shouldn't be a price tag on something that actually saves lives and improves health. Something life-saving should actually be free or low-cost because it's priceless, and life can't be bought, it's a gift from God
29 Answers
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As a Brit, I have to say that I don't think you give the FDA half the respect they deserve.
I UNDERSTAND YOU..💯%🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌿🌺🌺🌺🌺
It helps me with anxiety, sleep, back pain. I paid $60 for my first bottle that lasted me over four months. I was taking Advil on a regular basis. Seldom need it now. Do make sure you buy from a trusted source. It’s not something you have to wait a long time to see if it helps. You’ll know pretty soon. Once it’s in your system you only need a drop a couple of times a day to continue the benefits.
As for if insurance companies cover CBD products, I'm still waiting to hear back from my insurance on that.
#1 Four Corners Canabis. It is the only CBD oil that's extracted by ethanol and doesn't break up the bonds. It's a complete spectrum oil.
#2 Charlotte's Web
#3 CBD distillery
#4 Kay's Naturals (rated best in CBD isolate to meter it out to the exact mg.)
I did a large amount of reading (too much info to put here). I suggest you go there to learn a lot about CBD.
As far as I know, CBD oil is not covered by any insurance. My epileptic patient tried it for a year, unfortunately without lessening his seizures. His was not covered by government nor private insurance.
However there are many epileptic kids who have benefited from it by decreasing their seizures or practically eliminating them.
The price differs depending on how much CBD is in the dose (from 1 mg. to 150 mg. per dose).
It is not cheap, over $100. for a small bottle but you start with a few drops.
I plan on ordering some because I'm tired of taking Ibuprofen every day which doesn't work for arthritic neck pain and interacts with another medicine I take. Tramadol somewhat works but gets me a bit dopey.
Of course I would not order any that had the THC in it, as that would not go along with being a nurse. It's worth a try.
So as long as you have a prescription from an approved doctor in any of the 30 states it is not illegal.
Ezekiel 47:12
And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”
In my opinion we waste tons of money trying to eradicate the selling of marijuana/cannabis for whatever purpose; medicinal or pleasure.
Billions of $ for the “War on Drugs”! I can see trying to arrest dealers for dealing cocaine & heroin but marijuana?
Harmless. Less risk than alcohol. Save that money and spend it elsewhere in the US budget.
And Digital Banker, you can’t believe everything you see on the internet especially YouTube.
I’ve never heard cannabis has healed anyone’s cancer. That’s just not true.
Otherwise, maybe move to states where it’s legal for use. (Colorado, Oregon). In Maryland they have decriminalized it.
Good luck!
Search YouTube instead of some bogus article that bad talks stuff like this because it's just a bunch of hooey. YouTube is full of cancer survivors, including people who were very close to death in stage four cancer
YouTube search box
Type "cannabis cured my cancer"
You'll find endless cancer survivors who were saved by cannabis, so get your information from the right sources such as survivors whose lives have been saved, including babies.
You'll also find severe epileptics having multiple severe seizures daily.
Listen to each story out there and take that to heart instead of some bogus article out there that says cannabis "cannot cure people", because it's not true.
* I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to get you to wise up before even more survivor stories leave you red faced later, and it could turn out to be one of your own or maybe even you. No one knows what tomorrow holds, and we never know when we ourselves may find ourselves in a dilemma like those of the cancer survivors who were saved by cannabis
More so now than ever.
No federally financed program will cover it....unless you are talking about the federal prison system
Federally it is not legal to sell so I doubt it would be covered.