With demensia you have to be a bit strategic in getting cooperation. My mom is in stage 7 Alzheimer's and we have gone through many Stages of bathing issues ;-)
Very early on, my step dad would have mom hop in the shower with him... That was nice for me ;-) As it progressed, I used a shower chair and we put a hand held sprayer in. I could assist her in the shower. Progression continued and she didn't like the shower so we would shower her once a week and do a sponge bath with her sitting on the bedside commode with the bucket removed. This gave me access to her Peri area for cleaning. Where she quit walking, we upgraded her shower chair to one that could slide and turn. It made moving her from wheelchair to shower much easier. We tried to get her in the shower every 7-10 days and did the sponge bath on commode every other day... But still cleaned her Peri area every day on the commode... She has become incontinent. Now she is double incontinent and doesn't sit up very well. She gets a bed bath 2-3 times a week. We clean her Peri area with each changing.
I think Teepa Snow has some good videos. I used to tell mom the doctor said. Or I would just get everything ready and say, "let's take a shower and then we can have ice cream" Will she go to the salon to do her nails? My mom liked that until about stage 5.
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Stages of bathing issues ;-)
Very early on, my step dad would have mom hop in the shower with him... That was nice for me ;-) As it progressed, I used a shower chair and we put a hand held sprayer in. I could assist her in the shower. Progression continued and she didn't like the shower so we would shower her once a week and do a sponge bath with her sitting on the bedside commode with the bucket removed. This gave me access to her Peri area for cleaning. Where she quit walking, we upgraded her shower chair to one that could slide and turn. It made moving her from wheelchair to shower much easier. We tried to get her in the shower every 7-10 days and did the sponge bath on commode every other day... But still cleaned her Peri area every day on the commode... She has become incontinent. Now she is double incontinent and doesn't sit up very well. She gets a bed bath 2-3 times a week. We clean her Peri area with each changing.
I think Teepa Snow has some good videos. I used to tell mom the doctor said. Or I would just get everything ready and say, "let's take a shower and then we can have ice cream" Will she go to the salon to do her nails? My mom liked that until about stage 5.