At that age, it's likely he's a WWII veteran. If he's registered for health care, he can be examined by a VA doctor, at the VA. I don't recall where I read this, but I believe the VA can arrange for transportation. My recollection is that the van leaves to return veteran patients sometime in the mid afternoon (in our area), so I assumed that the van also picked up the patients.
Contact your local VA for more information, and I hope you find something that works out.
If it is just a matter of needing new glasses his old eye doctor can make some from the old prescription. Has his vision changed noticeably, does he really need a new eye exam?
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Contact your local VA for more information, and I hope you find something that works out.
There ARE optometrists who call in at Nursing Homes.
What is your loved one's eye issue and what other health issues prevent him/her from getting to a doctor outside the home?