In reference to get balance of PNA. I had to show a short certificate showing I was executor of the estate. I was allowed to get the check in my name. POA ends at death so the executor or administer handles the estate.
This is Feb. Checks received this month are for Jan just like when u worked. If I die in Feb, I am not entitled to SS check in March. I can keep the Feb check but SS will probably take the March back. So, I wouldn't do anything with the money until I was sure. That means not being able to pay bills if afraid SS will take back if that is the only money she has. And, you are not responsible to pay the bills if no money.
She lived in her own apartment. The monies I'm talking about is the money that was left over after she was taken care of every month in her account. From her ssc.
Rocky - was your elder on Medicaid in a facility? & are you referring to the monthly personal needs allowance that Medicaid allows for & the NH was “banking” it for them? If this is it, then whomever was on the signature card for doing PNA withdrawals will probably get a check sent to them by the facility once their account at the NH shows a zero balance.
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I would not think that they need to be returned.