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motherof5 Asked April 2018

What happens to mom's checking account when she dies?

My mom died about a month ago. Had 900.00 in checking account when she died. I spent $200.00 of it sending aches to Louisiana where she is from and was going to use the rest for flowers and etc. for her services. Now the state said that the money in her checking account that she has collected for 4 1/2 years is theirs. Is this true?

JoAnn29 Apr 2018
All you need is to prove that the money was spent on her. I was told I could use the money in her bank acct as long as it was for her. I was reimbursed her PNA. Maybe my state is different than yours. Of course, Mom has only been gone 7 months so maybe I will get something. I still have her statements and receipts for money of hers I have used.

Byathread Apr 2018
When my Dad passed in the nursing facility in 2014 he had Medicare and Medicaid he also had around $800 in his personal care account the account at the nursing facility...where you’re allowed $40 a month the rest home reimbursed my mother that money as it was considered an allowable through Medicaid for them to have monthly for their personal needs we live in Kentucky I don’t know if every state is like this or not hope that helps


cdnreader Apr 2018
Dear motherof5,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I'm very sorry for your loss. Regarding the money in the bank account, I wonder if you can ask a social worker, elder law attorney or call the local office to get more information. I'm sorry you have this added stress. I hope someone will know.

BarbBrooklyn Apr 2018
I'm so sorry for your loss. Bumping this up .

motherof5 Apr 2018
She was in a memory care center..thanks both Medicare Medicaid 

freqflyer Apr 2018
motherof5, I can't remember if your mother was living with you or in a continuing care facility. Was she self-pay or using Medicaid [which is different from Medicare]?

My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.


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