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Shelia422 Asked May 2018

I receive home care from your company. My caregiver is scheduled to come 2x's a week.

However, she only comes 1x and sometimes none. Tuesdays and Fridays are the 2 days scheduled.

GardenArtist May 2018
Sheila, you should have signed a contract, and been given a copy, as well as a folder or perhaps a larger binder with the company's name and logo on the front. This is who you should call about scheduling.

AgingCareCM May 2018
Dear Shelia,
I’m sorry to hear that you are having issues with your in-home care provider. AgingCare does not directly provide in-home care services. In order to resolve issues you are having with the professional caregiver you have hired, please contact the agency you are working with. Any agreed upon services that are not being provided should be reported directly to them. It is important that you make a call to the agency director or supervisor to let them know your caregiver has not been reporting for shifts.


freqflyer May 2018
Shelia, sorry you have a wrong website. As Guestshopadmin above had mentioned the Aging is a caregiver support website that has no employees that they send out as caregivers.

Guestshopadmin May 2018
Actually, no you don't receive care from this company. It's a caregiver support website and has no employees. Please check your contract again.


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