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Jammma4 Asked November 2018

Is it a later stage of dementia when the person acts like you aren't even there when you talk to them?

Mom lives with my husband and I and recently whenever I speak to her she acts like I'm not there. When my husband speaks to her she's way better. I'm getting resentful because I'm the main caregiver. I just walk away and do my own thing. But that leaves her just sitting around. Is this another stage she is heading into? To others she refers to me as that lady. It seems that we had better communication at the beginning of this summer but it has really been reduced this last 2 months?

She spends hours in her room fiddling. I let her because she gets so irritated if I try to engage her. She seems content. Should I draw her out or let her just do what she would like? When we are around people she loves it but swears at them and tells them to get the #out of her way if they try to speak to her. On the way home she always says what a wonderful time she's had😳😳😳

MargaretMcKen Nov 2018
It seems that things are going from bad to worse very quickly. In some ways you are lucky that this is your own mother – problems with MIL are more complicated. Does your husband know how difficult this is becoming for you? Or is it masked for him because he is less involved and mother is better with him anyway? It’s probably a good idea to keep him in the loop, possibly even by having him listen from another room or by using a video camera. What to do is a decision for you both, so keeping you and your husband together is your best strategy.


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