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dmvinson Asked May 2019

How do you get eyes examined when Mom has dementia?

My mother has dementia and says she needs glasses. She has glasses.

How do you get eyes exam when she has dementia.

JoAnn29 May 2019
My nephew has been wearing glasses since 8 months old. I asked his doctor how could they do this for a baby. He said it has to do with the way the eye refraxs light. Nephew is very far sighted. Once they put those glasses on him. He never took them off.

freqflyer May 2019
dmvinson, make sure you can get an appointment with an ophthalmologist [Medical doctor who can prescribe medicine] as those doctors have the most current equipment to do all types of testing. It's no different than if a toddler needed glasses.

As Isthisrealyreal had mentioned, there is a machine that one looks into that will read each eye to see what type of prescription your Mom would need. Then the ophthalmologist will double check using other equipment depending on the patient and what they can understand.

Also with an ophthalmologist, he/she can check for cataracts, glaucoma, double vision, macular degeneration, dry eyes, etc.


Isthisrealyreal May 2019
Make sure that you take her someplace that has the latest technology, it is super quick and all electronic.

They asked me 1 questions and I thought I had been ripped off, until I saw the prescription. Yep, right in line with what I knew about my vision. Which I never provided them with the info. (I went to Costco, they didn't accept my insurance but they might accept Medicare. )
JoAnn29 May 2019
Medicare may pay for an exam but they don't pay for glasses.


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