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anonymous933878 Asked August 2019

How do I get my husband into a nursing home?

If my husband becomes too difficult for me to care for, (he is wheelchair bound, home bound, Neuropathy, Parkinson's, dementia, etc. ) how do I get him into a good nursing facility? He has only a minimum social security check. Would they take my Pension, IRA, and my Social Security away from me ? or part of it ? How does it work ? I am 80 and getting very tired of the constant care I give him. He is very appreciative but it's waring me out. He cannot do ANYTHING by himself and lately I've been cutting his meat and I can see that soon I will have to feed him also. What to do and remain independent with my assets ?

AlvaDeer Aug 2019
Only an attorney can guide you safely through the maze of marriage, placement, separation of finances and etc.

Isthisrealyreal Aug 2019 can help you find a certified elder law attorney in your area.

They are well versed in Medicaid and how to ensure that you are not left impoverished by his need for assistance.

Call every attorney in your area on the list and meet with the ones that offer a free consultation. Have your questions ready and be forthright about what you are needing, you should find one that feels right and is priced fairly. I found one that was cheaper and I believe it is because they are certified and you are not paying for them to figure it out, it's their specialty and that makes them less expensive than other types of attorneys, whom I found will be happy to take your money and learn how to do their job.


BarbBrooklyn Aug 2019
Start out by contacting your local Area Agency on Aging. You need to get a "needs assessment" to figure out what level of care he needs.

Next, it would be best if you consulted a certified eldercare attorney who understands Medicaid in your state.

Medicaid has no interest in impoverishing the community spouse, but doing an application when there are 2 people involved, one of whom needs funds to remain at home, is not a DIY project.


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