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Sebone Asked August 2019

Will a joint checking account be considered when applying for Medicaid?

JoAnn29 Aug 2019
Yes. Anything with her name on it is considered hers. We had Moms name removed from disabled nephews acct because it was recommended by her lawyer. So, hopefully you have not comingled your money.

mstrbill Aug 2019
You'll have to submit the last 5 years of monthly statements, maybe not all the months from years 1+2, but the last 3 years they will want each monthly statement. The balance should be less than what the required amount is in your state ($1600 in mine), and they will look to see where and how the money was spent the last 5 years.


rocketjcat Aug 2019
Yes, be prepared to account for the money withdrawn, especially larger sums. I think I had to provide cancelled checks for amounts over $1000 like her rent, but Medicaid will tell you exactly what they want. Hopefully you haven’t co-mingled the funds or it will be pretty confusing.

gladimhere Aug 2019
Yes and a paper trail to show whose money it really is. Never comingle funds!

anonymous912123 Aug 2019
If it has her name on it, it is taken into consideration.

Ahmijoy Aug 2019
My mother and I had a joint checking account when she applied for Medicaid. I remember it was part of the spend down to qualify. The balance had to be kept under the limit. I think it was $1200. Since she was the primary account holder, it technically was her money and whatever I spent from that account had to be for her needs.


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