Does mom need guardianship..she has nothing but a house that she still pays mortgage on and bills. Not much in savings...
Why does a person need guardianship if they have no possessions that are not worth anything and can just as well be given to salvation army? No Money and a house still has a mortgage so what is the purpose of guardianship??
7 Answers
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Is your Mom currently in a skilled nursing home receiving PT & OT or is she in an assisted living facility or a "regular" nursing home? Are you are using her $2300 a month pension to pay for her care at the long term care facility? Is the 7K from your Mom's savings account or annuity? How will you be "funding the remaining" --- with your OWN money from your OWN bank accounts? What do you mean when you state that your mother is "upside down on mortgage"? Why do you not want to sell your Mom's house now if she is not living in it currently? Property Insurance sometimes gets cancelled if no one is living in the house. If you are waiting for the real estate market to improve and the value of your Mom's house to increase before you sell your Mom's house, you might find yourself running into the 5 year look-back period for Medicaid. Are you planning to apply for Medicaid for your Mom?
If Mom has no money, how are you going to pay for AL? Sell her house? You have to be careful when selling a house if Medicaid is in Moms future. House has to be sold at market value. Mom is going to decline as time goes on. LB, I think, is one of the Dementia's a person can become violent. An AL cannot deal with a resident prone to violence. You may want to look into a very nice LTC facility that accepts Medicaid. Not all AL do and if they do, in my state you have to pay privately for at least 2 yrs before Medicaid can be considered.
Guardianship is expensive. Medicaid allows it to come out of Moms money. Its needed when there is no POA in place or you need more control than a POA allows. Its also gotten when there is a POA that family may feel is abusing their responsibility or family want control. POAs are revoked if a guardianship is given. You also will be responsible to the state for every dime you spend and giving an update on how the person ur guardian for is doing.
Do you have power of attorney?
Guardianship /conservator enables you to handle a persons affairs, medical, housing and finances when the person is incompetent.
If your mother(?) is cooperating with you in her care and affairs you may be just fine.