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Barbara15 Asked November 2019

I am looking for a laundry detergent that removes urine smell, from clothing and sheets. Suggestions?

I can't seem to get the urine smell out of my Dad's clothing, or the sheets without washing them several times, which really affects our heating bill.

I am not oppossed to doing whatever I need to do by way of pretreating, etc. Not necessarily open to having Vinegar smell in my washing machine, and having that smell on my own clothing, towels, and bedding. But, then again anything is better than that awful urine smell.

I am also in the process of ordering a better adult diaper. The current ones we are using for my Dad, don't do a good job or keeping the urine contained to just the pads/adult diapers. I see positive reviews for the Tranquility line of adult diapers. I also have read some posts here suggesting that there could be information, and sources to purchase adult diapers, and/or laundry detergent that they use in hospitals or nursing facilities, and retirement homes. I need help with all of this.

Rutucker Nov 2019
I have used a cup of white vinegar in my rinse water for 30 or more years, every load I wash. This keeps the lime, etc, build up out of the washer and rinses any soap that may remain in the clothing which causes whites to become gray and dingy. Dark clothes are brighter because there is no soap residue. I never have noticed any residual odor remaining in the clothing before or after drying.

Ahmijoy Nov 2019
White vinegar leaves no smell. I also used rice wine vinegar once when I had no white vinegar and it worked great. I never use more than 1/2 cup per load. I also don’t use hot water wash every time as that seems to make the sheets smell worse. Also, be careful with Nature’s Miracle as that is made for use on floors, pet bedding, etc. if the person has sensitive skin it may make them break out.
Zdarov Nov 2019
I’ve also had great results with white vinegar and never smell it afterwards!


Grandma1954 Nov 2019
Clorox makes a product called Urine Remover it is good on laundry, and hard surfaces as well as soft. I used it a lot!
There is another product called Odor Ban this works both for the air as well as surfaces.
Got both products in Gallon size bottles at Sam's Club.
Both can be used with laundry detergent or sprayed on the clothing when it comes off the person. I also used both on the hospital mattress when cleaning it.

Llamalover47 Nov 2019
Measure half a cup of baking soda and add it within a detergent wash. Adding baking soda usually gives a load the needed boost to remove urine odor within one wash cycle. As an extra benefit, baking soda will make the whites whiter. This substance works wonders at neutralizing the smelly ammonia within urine.
BLTMom33 Dec 2019
I agree and use baking soda mostly, which has the ability to breakdown urine odors. I also add 1/2 cup of bleach for the cloth diapers (taking care of my senior dog too) and anything that has urine in it and it doesn’t damage the fabric.
Tothill Nov 2019
Well, weh my dd was in cloth diapers, I put Borax in the soaking pail. Never had an issue with urine smells.

Vinegar will not make your cloths or the laundry room smell like vinegar, it washes out in the rinse water.

When I have to deal with cat accidents, I use sudsy ammonia. It takes out all the smells.

Becareful you cannot use Ammonia if you are using bleach in the same load.
worriedinCali Nov 2019
I’ve used vinegar in the wash to get pee smell out of clothes and it definitely made the clothes smell!
Harpcat Nov 2019
Here is a product which is a laundry additive found on Amazon.they swear by it: OdorKlenz Laundry Additive, Liquid Large - 15 Loads, Odor Neutralizer, Made in USA

by the way I use white vinegar in my softener dispenser every load and never smell vinegar. It softens, removes extra soap and doesn’t gum up the washer.
LindaMary19 Nov 2019
I also have been using white vinegar in my softener dispenser for years now. I never smell vinegar - my clothes just smell fresh but not perfumy now, and there's less static electricity after drying.
NYDaughterInLaw Nov 2019
If it's really bad, soak clothes for 20 minutes in bucket of water with 1/4 cup Pine-Sol before washing.

White vinegar does not leave a smell if the washer is operating properly. I use it to wash all of my pets' toys and blankets. You can also throw in 1/2 cup of Borax or baking soda with the vinegar for extra cleaning power.

Anonymous1256 Nov 2019
Odoban is also good. Just pour a little of it in your washing machine. (It's not soap but a spray to combat odors). The smell is nice afterwards. Walmart and Sam's club usually have odoban in their cleaning supplies section.
Zdarov Nov 2019
Wow, I’d never heard of this and need it in my life! Thank you.
lala195 Nov 2019
Oxyclean oodorblasters worked well on my mother-in-law's garments, sheets, etc. Most Walmarts sell this version. Used it for stinky, sweaty teenager's clothes before that :) There are some great suggestions listed here! I do like the Febreze Sport scent Tide as another member suggested.

Bigsister7 Nov 2019
It's not a detergent but I have found the best thing to counter deep lingering odors is Downey fabric softener. Use the original formula, not a cheaper brand for best results.

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