My mother has become suddenly near death at hospital and nothing has been prepared and nothing has been prepared. No trust, no will, no dual power of attorney. Nothing. What can I do to secure her assets. She already sold her home and has 60,000 in bank. I don't want the state to take it. Please help. I am her only living relative. Thanks so much.
10 Answers
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However, as others have advised, in the small chance that your Mom is still competent to sign papers, you may be able to have your name added to her account or have it modified to name you as its beneficiary, aka payable on death (POD). Her bank can provide you with the details of making either of those changes. But, again, don't let the bank account issue unnecessarily take time away from being with your Mom (unless you need that as a "respite" distraction) because this issue should resolve itself quite easily and relatively quickly. Again, best wishes for you and your Mom.
You are having a horrible shock right now. Don't worry about trusts and bank accounts. They are just distractions to what really matters. You are losing your mom.
See if the hospital has a hospice team. See if they can help you talk to someone about how you are feeling.
Come back to the forum when you need to talk about what happens next. But my strong advice is to be with your mom right now. When you look back on this time, nothing else will matter.
I'm sorry for the suddenness of your Mom's decline, but I hope this information lets you not worry quite as much about what will happen after she passes. Best wishes during this hard time.