The past six months his ability to identify objects, rooms etc. has become increasing difficult. Last night, for the first time in 36 years, he got angry and left the room. When asked why he was so angry, he said "It's what you didn't do." After an hour I was able to determine that he felt I wasn't socially active with him the last two days. Talk about puzzling. This morning when I woke up I realized that I had been busy the last two days and had laid down several times because of an existing health problem. He takes sertralin
since he was diagnosed for agitation. When it happened, I didn't do anything for at least 20 minutes while I tried to figure this out. He doesn't like games, puzzles or anything like that, never has. He wants me to be "Chatty and Happy" which is all good when I'm not feeling bad. I feel certain that this disease will manifest itself in many ugly ways. By the time he went to bed he was okay.
16 Answers
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You can’t be chipper constantly. That’s kind of impossible, isn’t it?
These diseases are progressive. Yes, changes occur. Vent anytime and lots of people here have loved ones suffering with some form of dementia. Ask them your questions or tell them your concerns and you will get feedback.
Take care. Best wishes to you and your husband.
Wow!. You have a saint of a husband. You two have a great relationship and you get along so well that you never fight or get angry.
My husband and I had two arguments in all the years we dated and have been married. We have known each other for 30 years. Each of those two arguments caused me a lot of anguish because I never want to fight with him or see him mad. So, I can understand why you are troubled by your husband's anger.
My mother is in her 3rd year of Alzheimer's. She is generous and gentle by nature. So far, she hasn't gotten aggressive or abusive except when there are strangers (old friends and relatives) come to visit. I hope the disease will not change your husband's nature and your relationship too much.
This disease is truly horrible. As for other diseases, you know what to expect as they progress. This disease, however, is very unpredictable. My husband was also sweet and loving. But with AZ, he gets angry a lot - more episodes than I care to count. He takes Seroquel and it works ok so far.
I am sorry to hear about your husband. Pls hang in there.
My best advice is to tell him you love him several times a day, even when you really don't feel like it. Get your strength from God. As we celebrate Easter, remember what Jesus did for you, ask His forgiveness & ask Him into your life.
He has promised never to leave you or forsake you. I love Jesus, He is my hope for a better tomorrow & I am loved. God bless you & heal you.