My husband always shops at Whole Foods. We like our local Whole Foods store a lot. Every employee wears masks and gloves, along with shields at the register. Tape marks off the appropriate distance between customers.
There are a few products that we buy at locally owned stores. One store disappointed us during this health crisis.
My husband was shocked that absolutely none of the employees at this store had on masks or gloves. Only one other customer besides my husband was wearing a mask and gloves.
My husband sent an email to the store saying that we were loyal customers and wished to continue being future customers.
My husband explained in his email that he was uncomfortable that none of the employees were protected, nor were they protecting others by having bare faces and hands.
So, in a couple of days he received a phone call from the manager in response to the email saying that since it wasn’t a corporate policy that the employees were free to do as they pleased.
My husband replied by saying, “Don’t you feel that it should be a policy since Louisiana’s governor has asked all of us to wear masks in public?”
The store manager said in a cavalier attitude he wasn’t all that concerned. When my husband politely told him that we would be doing all of our shopping at Whole Foods because they chose to follow our governor’s regulations, the manager acted as if he did not care about losing customers.
Has anyone else seen cavalier attitudes among certain stores or businesses in your area?
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SO...if you are among the better educated who appreciate how easy this infection spreads, if you know someone who's been infected (I do, my young niece,) and know how serious the infection is, how it can reduce your lung function and damage your organs permanently (anyone for dialysis?), you know that you must protect yourself as you have been doing. And avoiding going out as much as you can. For several more months in all likelihood. And don't spend your discretionary consumer dollars with businesses that don't think they have an obligation to help lower the curve by taking reasonable precautions. Spending money with businesses like that is rewarding their irresponsibility.
Good luck all. NY appears to be starting to flatten the exponential level of infection.
Laboring, asymptomatic women in NYC are being tested at admission; at one reporting hospital, 14% are COVID positive. A friend at another hospital tells me their rate is 27%.
That's the rate of infection among folks with no symptoms. I'm not pressing anyone to open ANYTHING. We are still in very dangerous territory.
i hope everyone is safe and we will come out of this pandemic better and stronger as a nation. Blessings to all..,Liz
I am glad that threats are taken seriously. They need to be.
Returning blessings to you. 💗
I am from the UK. Our prime minister was extremely ill and in hospital with the virus but he turned the corner after being in the icu. His attitude is very sober now as he is about to be a father. We are in lockdown now and it will last a while. I hope all of you in the States stay well with your loved ones
It’s difficult to be on lockdown. I am sorry. Safety must come first. Please keep us posted on your situation.
Seeing a single person drive with a mask is kind of funny. My husband doesn’t put his mask on while driving by himself. He puts it on just before he opens his door.
Do you all have enough masks at your hospital? I hope you do. Stay safe, Pam.
But honestly, the CDC can't seem to say for sure if masks will prevent you from spreading it if you're contagious. And now I wonder how many confirmed people with it are breaking quarantine, figuring "well, since everyone is wearing masks, it's safe for me to go out." And if the wolf is at the door financially, I can see that thinking becoming even more prevalent, if the choice is illness or starvation/homelessness.
Not an easy situation any way you look at it.
Stay home: no job, no money, then homelessness and starvation, 100% sure
Go to work with protections: less than 1% chance of getting sick, and if sick, 98% chance recovery. Those "essential" workers are making this very choice.
Why can't everyone else? Why?
I get a terrible headache every time I think of my future (bleak).