In the event that you can't find a free or low-cost ride you can consider calling a care agency to see if they have someone who can drive you. They are vetted with a background check. Not sure of the cost, but safer than Uber or anything else.
Social services in this state doesn’t have a ride program and neither does the area on aging. They do provide bus passes for those who can take the bus & discounts for taxis. If you are on medi-cal then there is free transportation for medically necessary appointments but you have to get an authorization from the doctor & they may not be able to accommodate a 86 mile round trip ride.
dancer, you can contact your county's social services and they will probably have a ride program (but do this well in advance of your appointments as I think you have to fill out forms and such). Or contact your local area's Agency on Aging as they have many resources they can direct you to.
The spinal tap is not a casual procedure... do you have someone to check up on you afterwards, like a relative, friend, neighbor or someone from your place of worship? Perhaps such a person would be willing to drive you? Many people are very willing and happy to help, but never get asked. My very elder aunts ask their neighbors to take them to appointments and then to thank them they treat them to lunch or dinner after. They enjoy having that social time with them.
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The spinal tap is not a casual procedure... do you have someone to check up on you afterwards, like a relative, friend, neighbor or someone from your place of worship? Perhaps such a person would be willing to drive you? Many people are very willing and happy to help, but never get asked. My very elder aunts ask their neighbors to take them to appointments and then to thank them they treat them to lunch or dinner after. They enjoy having that social time with them.