My 78 yo husband has Lewy body Dementia and beginning Parkinsons. He has been using Depends for about 6 months now with fecal incontinence but now he walks across the house peeing --- and not just a few drops, but the entire amount. In his Depends, which soil his clothes, and carpet and puddles in the kitchen. He was attempting to cook, which is something else he should not do. He knows he's peed...I asked him to please try to do it in the toilet in the future, but I'm not quite sure what to do. Thoughts please?
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on getting up
after breakfast, before shower
before lunch
after lunch
after nap
an hour before supper
after supper
before bed
which looks like an awful lot, now that I've typed it out, but this is just to start. Once you've got the hang of his per routine, you'll know more accurately when it's likely to be worth the trouble.
It sounds as if you're past the stage of asking him or "reminding" him. It will be quicker, clearer for him (which is important), and more likely to work if you tell him that it's time to go to the bathroom and take him there. If he refuses, you don't insist; but you'll probably find that he doesn't refuse, it's just that it wouldn't have occurred to him on his own.