I took my 81 year old father to get full dentures today. He had gauze in his mouth from old tooth extractions. When we got home he pulled out the gauze and flushed it down the toilet. Then we realized the bottom denture had come out with the gauze and was flushed too! So he had new dentures for about 30 minutes before accidentally flushing the lower ones! Thought you all would enjoy that story. But anyway, it will be about 2 to 3 weeks before they can get him a new lower denture, so he's going around with no bottom teeth. I just feel so bad for him. I got him lots of soft food, and I guess we just have to deal with it. Any suggestions or amusing stories or thoughts that might help me get him through the next few weeks with no bottom teeth?
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Once, we found his dentures in the freezer.
A few months ago, we found his glasses that had been missing for three years. They were in the bushes in front of our house where he had fallen.
Reminds me way back when I lost a digital camera. Looked everywhere for the longest time. 2 years later lost the new one. Finally found it under the car seat (the first place I looked). It was lying there next the other camera.
The look on my DH's face when I brought them both inside 🤣🤣
Caregiver finally had mom give it to her & she would hold it till morning.
What is it with napkin hoarding, mom has tons in her purse!!
nlh240, thankyou for sharing. Nothing in my day was that bad today... puts thing in perspective... 30 minutes? Gosh. Gotta be a record 🙃
Two of my kids were missing their permanent incisor teeth, so they wore retainers with two false teeth on them until they were old enough to get implants.
My youngest had a tendency toward carsickness, and more than once I had to pull over and let him get sick by the side of the road. (Sorry for the visuals.)
One winter afternoon in Denver we were driving home after dropping off some friends at the airport. On the way home, my son got that "feeling," so I pulled off the highway, and he took care of business in a snow bank on the side of the road next to a large field.
When we got home an hour later he was feeling better. My daughter saw his gap-toothed grin and asked him where his retainer was. Yup-- sitting in a snowbank 50 miles away.
I had to drive back there the next day and try to remember exactly where I'd pulled over in the dark next to a field with no distinct landmarks.
In the end, I was grateful that orthodontists had started making retainers in wild neon colors instead of the flesh color they used when I was younger, because 100 yards away, there on the top of the snow sat a lime green retainer with zebra stripes and two teeth on it frozen solid into a pile of -- well, you can imagine.
After digging it out of the snow, I brought it to the orthodontist to be sanitized, and he said it was the best retrieved retainer story he'd heard, and he'd had some doozies.
I went on to retrieve those things from multiple trash cans over the years, too, as my kids would wrap them in a napkin before eating, then throw them out by mistake.
I can't tell you how glad I am that they're now adults and fully responsible for such gaffes now!
I have lost more teeth than I like to acknowledge and have opted at this time to forego the denture route. It's amazing how one can manage to eat still. Check out dutch pancakes:-)
I was in a business negotiation for a really big contract. I had to go to the restroom and I was wearing a one piece suit, as I flushed the toilet and was buttoning up a very important button popped off and I watched in horror as it flushed so nicely.
I can relate to the sinking feelings that you all are experiencing.
Fortunately for me my girlfriend had an art gallery next door and a safety pin. I got the contract even after I told everyone why I was gone for a half hour. Everyone had a good laugh at my expense, including myself.
I think about that experience every time I hear about unintended flushings.
Give dad lots of milkshakes for the next few weeks to soothe the burn of the situation 😁