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Somethingelsa Asked September 2020

Any suggestions for home health care?

I have finally realized I need a bit of a break. I have been hesitating for many reasons and then with Covid was too nervous to even think about someone coming into my home. Now however I’m just good old fashioned tired and realize I need, probably 2 four hour shifts a week of companion care for my Dear husband whose AD is progressing. He loves to sit and listen to music and do art and look through old photos so it’s really for me to just disappear upstairs and read and rest by myself.

I live in Broward County, Florida and would love it if someone in my area who has used a particular agency would reach out with names and recommendations. I mentioned to my daughter how helpful this site has been and she suggested I ask which had never entered my mind. Thank you all in advance .

Onlychild22 Sep 2020
I live in FL, not Broward, but just based on my experience I have 2 suggestions. First, don't ask for home "health" care unless that is what you really need. It is more expensive. Companion care is the least expensive of the care services we were offered (still not cheap, so be clear in your request). Second, everyone will have varied opinions on this, but I have had more success with larger agencies because they have more caregivers. When I used a small local agency there were more staffing issues. Maybe a sign of the times and caregivers being hard to come by as employees. Really, moreso than the agency is the particular caregiver match. Don't be afraid to make the decision based on likability of the aide. If you are paying for a companion your husband has to at least like the person or persons entering your home.
Somethingelsa Sep 2020
Thank you . I appreciate your feedback !
GardenArtist Sep 2020
I don't live in Florida so I can't recommend any agencies, but I got a list from the Alzheimer's Assn., which provided a good and extensive list, e-mailed w/i 1/2 hour of my call.    It took the AAA a whole week to get out a list of home care agencies.

If you don't have a checklist of what you're looking for, it's a good idea to create one.   Then create your first short list, and start calling.  

One thing I found very offensive was that some agencies wouldn't provide a copy of the contract for review before execution.  Nor would they negotiate, and some of the terms were unacceptable.    The best agency I found had former military on staff, and was realistic about negotiation as some of the terms had no applicability at all.
Somethingelsa Sep 2020
Yes , thank you I have been making phone calls . I also did get a copy of the the contract automatically from one place which was very helpful and then emailed the additional questions I had which they immediately responded to . I requested the other agencies to do the same and I’m waiting to see if they do that . I’m a very visual person so that really helps me see my options . Thank you for your good suggestions .


NeedHelpWithMom Sep 2020
I don’t live in Florida but just wanted to say that I am glad that you are doing what is best for you and your husband by caring for yourself too.

Best of luck to you finding help for your husband. Have you contacted Council on Aging in your area? There is usually a wait list. They will come out for four hours at the time like you are looking for.

You could call them even if you don’t want to wait until there is an opening and ask them what organization they have a contract with and then contact them directly. Ask if it is possible to be put on the wait list and then they would pay for the service at the time of him being placed with their organization.

I used Council on Aging for my mom and was satisfied.
Somethingelsa Sep 2020
Thank you for your encouragement and great suggestion .


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