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louism Asked October 2020

Alzheimers & fractured back; how do I get her out of bed?

My wife has Alzheimers and fell two weeks ago and suffered a
compressed fracture in her back. She is home now in a hospital bed.
My problem is in the morning trying to get her out of bed. No one has taught
me the proper procedure to lesson her pain. She lays on her back when sleeping. She can walk to the bathroom and up and down steps with assistance.

earlybird Oct 2020
Forgot to mention my mother had a fitting by a profession company at home for a back brace order by her orthopedic physician. It relieved some of the pain and helped keep her back in correct alignment. We took the brace off at night per doctor.

AlvaDeer Oct 2020
The fact she can go up and down steps is great news. Work with the rehab people or a PT consult to help you with body mechanics for both her and yourself. Ask the doctor for a consult; many can now be done virtual and online. Some people are greatly helped by brace.I found often, if Doc OK'd it, that an abdominal brace that fastens with velcro (Amazon) helped enormously as the muscles in abdomen are weak and cause pain when the elder attempts to use them to help with spine pain.
Get all the help and advice, tricks and clues you can. Stenosis and fracturing and compression of vertebrae is very common in the elderly and causes a whole lot of pain. Sometimes bed rails help just from the standpoint of something to hang on to but they must be SOLID to help with this, not the slip in under the mattress types. I hope others have hints for you.


GardenArtist Oct 2020
Earlybird makes good suggestions.  I think some home PT and OT could really help.  It can be scripted for by her ortho doctor, preferably, as the reports from therapists on treatment are to the best of my knowledge forwarded to the scripting doctor, so she/he can review progress and be updated on your wife's status.

Does she have an alternating pressure mattress?

I hope you find help for both you and your wife.

earlybird Oct 2020
My mother had a compression fracture approximately 12 years ago and she had to stay in her hospital bed for six months. We turned her every 2- 3 hours. She also had visiting nurses, PT, OT and a home health aide three times per week. The treatment plan consisted of pain medications, certain exercises, support, correct positioning and PT present when we first got her out of bed. She recovered well and now needs two assists to get out of bed due to her severe spinal stenosis and bilateral leg weakness. I would discuss this with her doctor and see if he/she can order home nursing services. The team should have discussed this at length with you and had a plan in place. Some patients may get can out of bed with extreme caution but doctor needs to determine what is best for your wife. My mothers injury was severe and she was in a lot of pain. She also had spinal surgery.


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