My Father has really bad COPD, and his dr. put him on a liquid thickener, to help keep him from choking on his water.
But if I put the thickener in his water, he won't drink it. It sits all day... Then when I leave for the day, my mother won't continue to put it in his water, because she is scared by him not drinking anything, he is going to become dehydrated (Which I know is true).
How do I manage this situation?
Any ideas?
22 Answers
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For a water or juice thickener I use Simply Thick. It's completely tasteless and you can easily adjust the thickness.
Sort of nasty. Not the taste because it has no real taste but the combination of the thickness and the texture of the thickened water is a bit off-putting.
Thicken other fluids that you would normally expect to be a bit thicker. Fruit juices, yes a bit more sugar than water but it is fluid.
Thicken broths.
Thicken coffee, tea or flavor the water. You can use fruit juices or any of the water flavors that are out there (Mio is one that comes to mind) Even Crystal Light, Kool-Aid will flavor the water. I am not a fan of the artificial sweeteners but if the object is to get him to drink more if it works, great.
And your fluids do not have to come from just drinking.
Salads, fruit, soup, all have high moisture contents so you are getting fluid into him. And soup and stew can be thickened with mashed potatoes, beans or other vegetables. Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Grits will all get more fluid into him.
Dairy like cottage cheese, yogurt are also good options.
Jell-O or gelatin is not good because as it is eaten it becomes a fluid and may be aspirated.
Same with Ice cream.
Pudding is a good option.
Watch slippery fruits like peaches and nectarines as they can slide down the wrong way very easily (learned that from a frightening episode) Oranges are to juicy they are a problem.
Thank you so much for the advice
Ice cream wasn't allowed in my father's dysphagia diet b/c it melts and becomes liquid, so I gave him a few tablespoons at a time; it was swallowed before it had a chance to melt.
One of his speech therapists suggested putting applesauce on foods to add more moisture to them.
Ballen, did his speech therapist give you a list of foods for each of the dysphagia levels? Sometimes you can find in those lists foods which can be watered down, to increase the fluid intake.
Applesauce on the food sounds like a great idea!
Thank you for the advice!
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