Complete disregard of the fact that the oxygen is keeping her alive. . .
Takes O2 off whenever she wants to.
When she gets out of bed to go to the bathroom, she "forgets" to put the oxygen back on.
I used to use a "chime" to alert me of her "ups & downs" so I could put her oxygen back on. The only result was no sleep for me! I quit that. The "true" solution, in my opinion is two nurse/caregivers; -- one for daytime and one for night. Am I right or wrong on this???
11 Answers
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The Hospice Nurse gently advised to replace, but if removed again, to let it go.
He did as SIL requested - kept replacing it every time. Didn't sleep. Felt the weight of responsibility for keeping him going.
DH said if he had a re-do he would listen to the Hospice Nurse. The goal at that stage was to keep him comfortable. So saying good night & letting them both sleep peacefully would have fit the goal better.
It may be confronting, but can I ask what are the goals for your Mother?
Your health is your foundation.
As to oxygen patients...The lady is removing the o2 as its very uncomfortable for her. Merely replacing it is understandable
However the reason she is removing it is because
a. it is very uncomfortable for her
b. she is experiencing side effects from the equipment & the oxygen
The following will make it more comfortable for her
1. hydration. Ensure she is having at least 6 or 7 8oz glasses of distilled water daily. Moist lung tissue is more able to take up and utilize oxygen
.2. HUMIDITY. Oxygen supplement is very drying to the mucus membranes of nose, mouth, and the complete respiratory system.
Very distressing, as you can imagine if you think back to when you once experienced a dry mouth temporarily in a dentists chair
Get a home Humidifier. Especially if you live in a climate with low humidity, a humidifier will really help her feel much more comfortable every day.
And especially when using supplemental O2.
For most people, a humidity level around 40% is considered ideal for breathing and comfort
Undoubtedly some of the medications she is taking are exacerbating the problem of dried mucus membranes. Poor lady
.3. LUBRICATION. Apply a think smear of water based lubricant to the ends of the prongs. You can also use a little chamomile tea in a nasal spray & spray daily to keep the patients nasal passages moist enough for comfort.
The chamomile is also an anti inflammatory & soothing. This will ease the irritation in the nasal passages from the prongs & O2 passing through
Saline does in itself not have these medicinal properties
.4. COMFORT Adding some padding & strap covers will make the mask much more comfortable to wear. Just remember to remove & clean padding or covers used daily on a regular basis
.5. CHECK THE NUMBERS: If blood oxygen level is above 94% while a patient is awake, they probably don't need O2 therapy during the day.
If the O2 level i below 94% during the day , they may need O2 for a while during the day, as well as while sleeping at night.
Breathing 100% oxygen for long periods of time causes changes in the lungs. This harms the body, and has many serious side effects.
Concentrations of 40% oxygen can be given for longer periods of time with the risk of so many potentially lethal side effects
The side effects of too much oxygen are: headache, sleepiness and confusion.
The dementia the patient has been assumed to suffer is in all likelihood associated with the long term use of supplemental O2
Tumeric powder (1tspn or 3 capsules before meals..only tumeric, no added pepper ) has shown in many medical studies to be beneficial to those who suffer with arthritis, cancer, asthma, dementia.
Researchers also found that the organic tumeric powder supplement reduces airway obstruction. And is a very helpful addition in the treatment of COAD (chronic obstructive airways disease)
Your patient was put on oxygen because she suffers COAD
I hope the above knowledge will be of help to yourself and your patient
Expensive option is to hire a sitter for at night to "help" mom to the bathroom and to keep her oxygen on.
Cheap option is to decide that mom's comfort is paramount and not worry about the oxygen at night. Yes, she will not be as well oxygenated and that will probably shorten her life, but no sleep for you is shortening yours.
I really don't have any suggestions to help her keep it on, other than reminding her to put it on and explaining why.
Best wishes to you and your Mom.
I would see if hospice evaluation can be done. They will advise you and if she is accepted, the hospice nurse will be a source of support for you.
It's still the same problem in the end: She "whips it off" whenever she wants to.
Really appreciate your taking the time to pass on the "suggestion". . . @;-)
Dee Dee Grant
Pleasant Grove, UT
My aunt (on hospice) was recently sent oxygen as she had an episode of low readings one night. Hasn’t happened since so she hasn't started using it. I know I will have the same problem. The question has come up before. There was a discussion amongst knowledgeable forum members who suggested a type of tape but I don’t suppose that would help if she has to go farther than the cord allows.
Would she use a bedside commode and not take it off? I know that’s still more work for you but you might at least be able to sleep all night.