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MaggteMae Asked December 2020

I am currently bedridden. Is a nursing home my only choice?

GardenArtist Dec 2020
Your profile indicates you have no funds, and aren't eligible for Medicaid.  Sadly, you fall into a category that could encompass anyone, and for which our country has poorly prepared, if it has at all.

I would take the advice of others and contact not only the Area Agency on Aging, but also your state and county to find out what's available.   This may vary by area, but it's a starting point.

Also check with the State of Virginia to find out if they have an Elder Care hotline.  Michigan has one; I've gotten some good advice on handling various issues, and it's free to elders.   Your local Newport News may also have a Senior Center which could be of help.

These kinds of agencies can be good starting points, with recommendations on branching out to find other sources.

I wish I could offer some good insights, as I do understand how frightening this can be.    Any one of us who's aging could face a similar situation.

I hope you get some guidance, although I wouldn't expect too much until the New Year.   Given the holidays and pandemic, some governmental units are closed or operating with a skeleton staff.

worriedinCali Dec 2020
If you are permanently bedridden then yes if your husband cannot take care of you, if you do not have multiple family members willing to step up and be your village, and you can’t afford full time caregivers then yes you will likely end up in a nursing home. That is the sad reality. There are maybe 2 states in this country that will pay for 24/7 home care for those who are Medicaid eligible and unfortunately you aren’t in either of those states and you say you aren’t Medicaid eligible.


JoAnn29 Dec 2020
If you have no money, Medicaid is pretty much ur only option. You can get "in home" care. Call ur county Office of Aging and ask of someone can help you navigate Medicaid.
worriedinCali Dec 2020
OP says she is not legible for Medicaid.


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