Is there any assistance available for elderly who are vision impaired? I'm trying to get some help for my mother.
I would like to find an organization that helps people with devices that can assist people who have low vision..preferable free. I really don't know how to find out. Her eye dr is of little help. He has said her vision is as good as it will ever be.
For books and magazines you can get her enrolled in the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled through the Library of Congress. All it takes is her doctor signing the sheet and they will then provide the equipment and a full selection of talking books, far, far more than anything available at the public library, and it's all FREE.
Also, find a low vision specialist - contact the Lions Club. They are special optometrists who help make the best of the vision she has left. It was a tremendous help to my father and they can point you to all the resources available at free or reduced cost.
My father thinks the best thing is his talking watch and talking alarm clock. You can buy them out of the low vision catalogs. Also he used an Amazon Echo for keeping a calendar and reminders, playing music, etc. You can even use them to make phone calls.
Get her started on using the technology early and often because it gets harder and harder for them to remember how to use the tools as they age. My dad had a huge special magnifier/reader machine that now just collects dust because he's forgotten how to use it.
If there is an aSsociation for the blind near you you, they provide reading lights and magnifiers. Also check with your Atea Agency on Aging. They sometimes have assistive devices available.
Your County should have a Dept of Disabilities. Call them and maybe they can put u in touch with the Dept for the blind.
If Mom likes to read, get a Kindle App and download to a tablet. You can enlarge the words. Check with your local library if they have services.
I am so surprised when members say their doctors can't give you any information. Where else would you get it? I worked for a Visiting Nurse Assoc. As the Secretary it was up to me to make sure I was up to date on resources available in my area. If a client needed info we didn't have, my boss left it up to me to help the client find that info. I had a table laid out with this information so anyone coming in could browse and pick up what interested them.
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Also, find a low vision specialist - contact the Lions Club. They are special optometrists who help make the best of the vision she has left. It was a tremendous help to my father and they can point you to all the resources available at free or reduced cost.
My father thinks the best thing is his talking watch and talking alarm clock. You can buy them out of the low vision catalogs. Also he used an Amazon Echo for keeping a calendar and reminders, playing music, etc. You can even use them to make phone calls.
Get her started on using the technology early and often because it gets harder and harder for them to remember how to use the tools as they age. My dad had a huge special magnifier/reader machine that now just collects dust because he's forgotten how to use it.
If Mom likes to read, get a Kindle App and download to a tablet. You can enlarge the words. Check with your local library if they have services.
I am so surprised when members say their doctors can't give you any information. Where else would you get it? I worked for a Visiting Nurse Assoc. As the Secretary it was up to me to make sure I was up to date on resources available in my area. If a client needed info we didn't have, my boss left it up to me to help the client find that info. I had a table laid out with this information so anyone coming in could browse and pick up what interested them.
I know of The Lighthouse. Also, I believe the Library of Congress lends "talking books" at no cost.
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