My blind and old brother moved into an AL facility some years ago. Since then he has been in and out of the hospital and SNF for treatment and rehab. He is in rehab now as they are trying to get him to walk better.
The AL facility says they may not allow him back because he may not be able to walk 150ft to the dinning room. They currently eat all meals in their room because of Covid. The AL does allow wheelchairs but they say because he is blind they will not allow him to have one. He uses an aide to help him walk to meals so I don't see why he cannot use an aide to push him in a wheelchair. He gets around his room ok but is sedentary.
Just wondering if they can legally do this and what are his options?
2 Answers
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You need to speak to the SW at the Rehab and tell her/him that the AL is refusing to take him back. She/he can help u make arrangements to place him in LTC. Whatever money he has left can be spent down and then Medicaid applied for.