I do not understand how what's in the medical field as well as after my own dad's death he is still being used. They questioned, they questioned, they question, are confused. The fifth floor doctor you saw him every time wondering why he was already back the nurses of why Once reached the Intensive Care Unit. Never got one visitor or one visit from his wife and even I had to find out he was in the hospital. One of many trips and nothing made sense to them but still he got a hundred percent better and as well still I was in 100%. Did I even had to find him just to find his own wife and her number one son and what they did to him. How can someone brainwash everyone about one man and then turn around and brainwash everyone again? And how can people who are brainwashed just still know what's going on but they won't even let themselves take the pain of acknowledging the truth only because there was nothing they could do? How do you still take advantage of someone even after they're dead? Then you put together the fact that you've never seen your own mother cry, you've never seen her laugh, you never saw her depressed. Not a hug not an emotion toward anyone unless it were for show. Call she forced to smile in a picture that was all that was ever made as an attempt it only when it was convenient and necessary to smile at people to their face, which wasn't a real smile. Even it was just an attempt and I could never understand why after they had gone by. It was just instant evil and nasty comments said no matter how much of a Hollywood production she put on. Why is it do I have to think of these things when I have been left to grieve? There was nothing I could do for my father and her only excuse was he just fell over. Well, she was in shock to find out that the day supposedly he died I was there four times to find him without any chances to call for help. I don't even think she knew I was there. He was a shell of a man and every time he went back home he had his right back up in the hospital. Not one visitor and I had to find him every time, the same Hospital doctor on the 5th floor that did not understand what is going on he should not be back here every time. I just know that I was even afraid to be alone with her but I was never allowed to be around. He had to go to see him after I found him how many times in the hospital with aren't many because then he died. Situations like this you don't even want to leave the water they leave you on the table to drink even to go to the bathroom, terrified for how long she was going to poison me. I have the same symptoms now as my own father. He just died and I am 53. Came out of nowhere. My dad hasn't even been dead for a year and not to repeat myself, even after he was dead she managed to buy my step brother my half-brother a house and dirty his name. Why does no one pay attention to this? I had to come across this by accident on Google. The only time I attempted to get ahold of her because I was completely drop. I just wanted to know where my Dad's remains were. She said she had him cremated so fast and I wasn't even allowed to know where he was when I made the effort because it was so awful after had been even less agreed by myself and she wouldn't even come around. I found out my dad died by the number one person my half-brother. He never should have been in front of me to tell me my dad died. Even I had to even call 911 three times. The police removed him from in front of my apartment door after had hearing over the radio how bad the 911 call was in his swearing at me on hell. I was told my dad died. The two people he was terrified that were going to kill him anyway. I couldn't be buried unless the VA was going to pay for it after having him cremated right away. The only reason he even got buried in the ground after cremation was purposely sending in the wrong death date so that she could still use his credit. I knew being pushed into a will he signed his own death certificate avoiding the evil never died of heart complications.
7 Answers
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I have to agree Carly that after a year you need some professional help. You need to put your thoughts in order like 1, 2, 3. Right now you are just rambling and its so hard to follow.
If Dads credit is still being used, report it to the creditors fraud department with a copy of the death certificate. You should be able to get this from your States Office of Vital Statistics.
Go to the ER and get checked out, and ask for some Xanax to calm you down. You need sleep and you need calmness now. You can't change what's happened to dad, nor can you fix it. You're not thinking clearly right now which means you need help to calm down AND to sleep! THEN you may be able to think more clearly afterward & plan a course of action to find out what happened to your dad.
The things you say may be true, or may be partially true, or may be not true at all, but certainly none of us could judge the matter, and there's nothing to be done about it.
Seek help with a counselor who can help you iron out some of your thinking and help you seek peace for yourself. I wish you the best.
Can you try again perhaps? - only talk a lot slower, and think about what you want to say first please.