mom is forty miles away need something closer. keep getting we will put you on waiting list is this because she is on medicaid? been waiting over 6 months.any advice would be welcome. thank you
Google care advisors.. sort of a realtor but for finding and guiding you to a place for your mom. Find someone local who can meet you for tours etc. They know the cost, availability, reputation, needs etc. They get paid by the facility, not you. I’ve placed 3 times this way, and is invaluable.
i used care patrol when I moved my mom here, it’s a franchise , maybe there is one near you….
Depending on your mom's condition...if she would qualify for Hospice it is possible that the Social Worker for Hospice might be able to get her into a closer facility a bit faster. Not to be cynical but a Skilled Nursing facility (aka Nursing Home) might find a spot for someone on Hospice as they would not expect the person to be a long time resident.
If she is on Medicaid, you will need to wait until a spot is open. If there aren't many beds for Medicaid, you could be waiting years. I would call regularly and ask about your position on the waitlist and if possible get on as many waitlists as possible. Good luck, I know most places around here have a 6 month to year long wait list for long term care.
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i used care patrol when I moved my mom here, it’s a franchise , maybe there is one near you….
thank you