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Kristin37 Asked September 2022

Does anyone know of any resources for the elderly to be able to stay in their own home who can’t afford much? I am in Kentucky.

I have a small business and a lot of people that call me about loved ones can’t afford to pay private caregivers. And ny price is extremely reasonable. So they end up having to send their loved ones to the nursing home. Are their any grands/funding in Kentucky for this type of work? Any information helps. TIA

AlvaDeer Sep 2022
Be certain to contact local council on aging in community to check resources such as Meals on Wheels, and etc. Wishing good luck.

Fawnby Sep 2022
It’s not always desirable to live in their own home. The level of care and equipment in a facility is so much higher, no matter how much equipment gets dragged into the home. Also it’s so nice for most elderly and invalids to socialize with others.


ravensdottir Sep 2022
According to your State's website, there are several Medicaid programs which will keep a person home. It's cheaper than paying a facility's overhead lol

I hope you find something suitable from the Department for Medicaid Services' Division of Community Alternatives -

You may also want to try and which have government (including VA for veterans) and other resources.

Geaton777 Sep 2022
Yours is the Million Dollar Question regarding aging and decline. When someone qualifies for Medicaid, it will pay for *some* help in the home, but not full-time. To my knowledge Medicaid will not pay 100% to keep someone in their home once they require 24/7 care -- it is not an efficient way to pay for care when it is a govt program funded from tax dollars.

Eventually, paying for 24/7 care in the home exceeds the cost of facility care, even without Medicaid. Your clients see that their parents' savings for their "old age" got outstripped by the cost of care, which has increased wildly in the past decades. Or, the parents didn't save enough or not at all. That's when the only real option is to transition them into a facility on private pay until they qualify for Medicaid. This is the only "affordable" option for the average person. Paying for it with the adult children's money is unsustainable and a strategy that robs from their own future care.

As far as there being grants/funding? The only probably source would be the government. That's called Medicaid.


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