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Marymo67 Asked April 2023

Struggling with my mom’s constant negativity. Any advice?

It’s been a few years since I’ve been on. My mother had lived with me in my state. She had got me to the point that I considered ending my life because of all the constant misery. I quit my job for 3 months and moved her up north near my brother. She eventually hated where she moved and had confrontation with the person running the place. My brother has a very demanding job that doesn’t give him much time to spend hrs at a doctors appointment. He moved her to a assisted living facility that is brand new. It has lots of people… Drs, nurses, 3 meals, physical therapy everything she needs so he doesn’t have to worry when he is out of town. I have recently learned that she has early symptoms of dementia… that she says is not true. My brother has done backward flips to get this completed. Everyday I talk to her she just continues to put him down and complains about what he is not doing. She always wants me to take her side to where it becomes an argument. She also lives negatively constantly living in the past and all the wrong doings to her. No one in the family likes to call her or visit because she causes conflict. There is just so much more to this story. My brother was supposed to visit her today and take her to eat. That didn’t happen because she called him a traitor and he didn’t love her and that she was going to move and she has only been in her new apartment for a month. This event was caused by him mistaking that she could get her pain medication thru the doctors at the facility and not return to the pain Dr. He wanted to simplify and make sure she always had access to her meds in case he was out of town for work. I was the bad horrible person when she lived with me and now since she has lived close to him he is now the bad guy. She loves her children… but she claims she can say and do whatever she wants to her kids because she is the mom. Today I had to tell her I love her and hang up on her. The conversation was leading to an argument. I am exhausted mentally from listening to all the negativity that I listen to for hrs each day on the phone. I love her but she is never happy. I don’t know what to do for her

AlvaDeer Apr 2023
Mary, just a question here for you to consider.
Was Mom ever really very different?
In my experience as a nurse, just watching from a position of interest, it seemed to me that people pretty much ended their lives as they lived their lives.

I think that the problem with children who have been raised by, and have lived with demanding, unhappy, dissatisfied parents, is that they keep trying, they keep hoping.
Some of them GRIEVE their parents more than people like me who had just about the best parents in the world. I have pondered this a whole lot. And I think the problem is that, when these poor unhappy souls pass from this life their children lose that one last hope they have clung onto for so many years--that hope that they will FINALLY hear from the parent:
"I love you.
I thank you for all you have done for me; I am sorry for the moments I failed you".

It's what every child needs. What so few get. Our parents are humans. Would that I was as good a parent as my mom. Would that they all were.
Your Mom's got limitation. She can't measure up to YOUR expectations just as you don't feel you can to hers.
Search out the peace of it in these last times. You ALREADY know all this. You SAID it. You said "she loves her kids, but...." She did the best she could with what she had.
You may never know all the "whys" of that. You really don't need to.

This end of life stuff with loss upon loss is tough for your Mom, and it's tough for you, too. Do the best you can. And accept that you BOTH are doing the best you can in so far as you are able. When she's test some day shock her with "Yes.....but you know what? I love you. And I know you love me, too". And then watch her face.

My best to you.
BurntCaregiver Apr 2023

I wish I could like this comment a thousand times. You're spot on.
Daughterof1930 Apr 2023
Your mother has long showed you exactly who she is, time to fully believe her and stop listening to all these rants. All that constant griping and negativity is poison to your soul. Plus your brother needs your moral support and that doesn’t involve listening to mom complain about him. She’s right, she can say or do whatever she wants, doesn’t mean you have to listen or participate. Good for you hanging up today, now make it a practice to get off the phone immediately every time the negativity starts. If that means a one minute call, so be it. Guard your own health, including emotionally, you won’t get it back. Mom's not changing, except possibly to worsen, but you can change the dynamic here. I wish you peace


southiebella Apr 2023
Your mother is choosing to cause problems. You can choose to set some strong boundaries to keep it out of your life.

She addicted to her negativity and the drama that it causes. It's her addiction. Let her have it. You can't fix her.

Stop listening to her negativity. Not for one minute, much less for hours.

Please don't let her triangulate you and your brother. When she starts in on him, hang up - refuse to listen. Same when she starts in on you. Hang up - refuse to listen.

And don't accept false guilt for setting the boundaries.


Sadinroanokeva Apr 2023
A counselor told me “it is not your job to keep your mother happy. Your job is to be sure she is safe, has food and a roof over her head”. It changed my struggle greatly. My mom will never be happy..not when 30, 40 , 50 ,60 or even now at 90! She is in an excellent assisted living with good staff, great room and lots to do. It is up to her to find some reason to enjoy her life! Good luck!
agingmother4343 Apr 2023
Same here!!
BarbBrooklyn Apr 2023
Why do you call her every day?

Call her as often as YOU want to and hang up when she starts the negativity.

I would suggest that she be seen by a geriatric psychiatrist for what sounds like depression and agitation.

bundleofjoy Apr 2023

just a warning: even the most positive person in the world will be affected by someone else's constant negativity. it's NOT possible for it to roll off your back.

you will see the effects not just on your mind, but on your body (usually gaining weight), on your face when looking in the mirror (unhappy), on missed opportunities in life (because your mind is focused on that other person's negativity), etc., etc.
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2023
Oh, so true!
Drmichael59 Apr 2023
Hi My mother is 84 and I am 64, And I can understand where you are coming from, because I have similar problems the thing is believe my mum is a narcissist , even though it's difficult for me to say this As everything she says and does confirms this I have a brother and a sister who are younger yet don't go nowhere near my mother as I'm the eldest I just I can't do enough for her whether it's cooking meals offering to take her out, Even when I do she never says thank you People have told me as well as my girlfriend that she speaks bad of me behind my back, I don't know if it's an Age thing but with a Narcissist I think this has always been there, My brother and sister don't speak I don't have a good relationship with them either but they tell me similar things that she speaks bad of me to them She will also say the same to me about them so you can see where I'm coming from, I've learned so much from these posts, And I've also learnt to step back from these problems because you also have a life, I'm starting to look at her like a patient and not a mother that way you will get through it and find things easier good luck anyway God-bless you
agingmother4343 Apr 2023
Great idea!! To look at her as a patient rather than a mother!!
your situation sounds exactly the same as mine.

I will now think of her as a patient! Thank you! I found this very helpful!
InFamilyService Apr 2023
This sounds so much like my mother her entire life but worse in her later years. Nothing or no one pleased her although she was so charming to most of her sitters. It was her true personality. She gossiped, judged and constantly criticized.

There is nothing you can do except set some boundaries, limiting and shortening visits & getting off the phone when she starts like you have been.

My mom delighted in creating conflict between me and my sister. At present since her funeral we have no communication. We both tried so hard to make her happy. Due to her being bedridden we had to move her to a nursing home, two days later she died.

It was exhausting and according to my doctor the stress brought on
my stroke. Do not let her ruin your health.
helenb63 Apr 2023
Sorry to hear your story, so similar to mine, except that my mum sought to cause trouble between me and her hero, my husband. We struggled for six years to please her when she moved near us, at great cost in time, effort and stress, and had the same result - she became bedridden in hospital this year and died after a week in a nursing home. I am now trying to work through the exhaustion and conflicting emotions.

Marymo67, I hope you manage to find a way of coping too - I had counselling and anti-anxiety meds, and tried to set boundaries. It's truly saddening how many old ladies there are like this.
Caregiverstress Apr 2023
She is safe where she is. Support your brother in her care from where you are and don’t answer the phone for a while when your mother calls. Tell her you are going out of town for a while and will see her when you get back. Take a break and that break will help you recharge and make a plan for your own mental survival. Such as limiting your contact with her to a couple times a week by phone and keeping the conversations short.

All her threats of moving out will go no where so ignore them. Unless she is capable of picking a new place, doing all the paperwork, packing herself up and going she has no choice but to stay where she is.

lealonnie1 Apr 2023
Well, I can blow multicolor sprinkles and magical unicorn puffs of dust in your ear or I can tell you the truth: I'll choose the truth since I had a mother like yours for 64 years. She lived in AL for a REASON. I forfeited a big inheritance to keep her living in AL for a REASON. She had to pay others to put up with her particular brand of personality disordered nonsense (& dementia) bc I as an only child was certainly not going to after growing up w the dysfunction for 18 years! Sheesh.

Some things are unfixable. Including but not limited to ugly personality traits and disorders, depression, gossiping, bad mouthing others, chronic complaining, insisting on blaming others for all of our OWN mistakes, refusing to take responsibility for actions, lying, Confabulating stories to make others look bad and ourselves look good, inflated ego and pride, and on and on. To think WE can fix these women is delusional. Period.

So we get them into AL and visit on OUR TERMS and that's that. We reconcile the fact we were short changed in the mother department and oh well, we're doing what we can to survive. We keep the toxic phone calls short and say OH There's The Doorbell when the complaining we can't fix ramps up. And we leave their presence when it ramps up in person or the sharp claws come out to scratch or the fangs to bite.

Self protection is the key here, not "fixing" a situation too broken to BE fixed. Or hearing from others to force "positivity" on such a negative situation that it's downright insulting, minimizing your predicament 100%.

I'm sorry you're here in the first place, with others in the same boat. Wishing you the best of luck taking care of YOU now and letting the AL take care of MOM.

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